Anyone get a stomach bug the past few days? Possible TMI

So from 2pm today to just about now was the most awkward, painfull and tiring sickness ive ever been thru.

My girlfriend had it the night before, she woke me up at 3am crying and beat looking telling me she was the sickest shes ever been. Then a 2pm today I wasnt sure what this perssure in my stomach was… figured it was time for the afternoon poop…

Out of no where I started yacking prefusely, then imediatly starting pissing almost clear liquid out my ass… This went on back and forth constantly for 2 hours… By this time I was so god damned drained all I wanted to do was sleep, id get out the bathrrom for maybe all of 2 minsute before I had to rush back in.

I almost pissed my pants thru my ass a million times… NO way in hell I could have held it… Srsly I dident know it was possible for that much bodily fluids to come out your ass…

I finaly was able to pass in and out on the couch for maybe 20 minsutes at a time… I had to constatly drink water to keep my stomach from feeling like someone stabbing it at the same time almost instantly having it come back up on me…

I was finally able to get to sleep aroudn 10 o clock and only woke up once…

I feel a lot better now than I did a few hours ago but I still feel like im about to throw up at any mintue and am stillmaking frequent trips to piss out of my ass…

Im amazed i dident shit my pants while I was sleeping…

I got sick once. Hope it doesn’t happen again.

Im just over what I had I had been sick for a little over the last week. Its just that time of the year. I had a pretty good upper respitory infection.

pjb got a new SN?

Thanks PJB.

I was wicked sick too, for about 4 days. No ass puss though. :lol

It was late and made me laugh, so I hit the submit reply hahaha

Dude at work, his two kids, AND dog just went through this. I guess animals can get it too!

I had this happen to me like 7 or 8 years ago. Just aweful! But, yea, this is going around and its really bad.

We thought my daugther had some sour milk the other day (she hides bottles in the side and we dident see it) as she woke up throwing up. Turns out we and her doctor think it was this as well…

My mom had it, my daughter, my girlfriend and then me… Seriously dont ever want to go thru it again, was the sickest i’ve ever been

And im still in and out of the bathroom every 20 mins… FML

LOL@ dog running around spraying piss out of his ass.

i’ve never had a stomach flu in my life till earlier this year. It was months ago, but it was terrible! I feel your pain, Shady.

Im not being funny but Swine flu is going around, I had it 2 weeks ago and I still sorta feel krappy :frowning: and Im not kidding I tested positive for H1N1 ugh…it sucked horrible, was in the hospital twice for it and felt like death for 2 wks, on top of that the swine flu turned into walking pneumonia, so ya not fun at all, go have them test u to be safe:hug

Yes. I think I have a version of this.

Word. I aint got no stomach issues but deff got swine flu i think. I have had a fever and the rest of that good stuff since last thursday. It is absolutely terrible.

were you coughing & was your whole body sore? Because I think it was AIDS. Hopefully you’ll get rid of it quicker than Kramer did. I’m a doctor, FYI.

No it’s not aids. Hopefully you have the monster tho. That would be some funny stuff!!

Nope. I had it a couple of years ago. My family got it last year… I was the only one not sick. I’m badass like that. So I’ll go ahead and state I’m immune to it since my immune system already kicked its ass and knows how to defend itself and any sort of sneak attacks it might come at me with. But I’m due for a respiratory infection, totally non-aids related though.

Prolly shouldn’t have made this comment earlier, I think I have this bug now :frowning:

Its going around big time!..