So after 2 full weeks of body aches, vomiting, restlessness, extreme fever, migraine headaches and just general sickness, I think im finally over it. Being in the hospital and having the doctor tell me, “a degree higher fever I would have had brain damage,” I thank god that its over. Did anyone experience this extreme of the flu this year?
And if you haven’t gotten the flu yet I wish you the best of luck.
Walking pnuemonia for a month, the flu aint shit compared to it…
You’ve obviuosly never had the actual flu. Looks like starboy did.
Everyone gets a stomach virus or nasty cold and complains about “having the flu”. Actual influenza is HORRIBLE, and leaves you basically incapacitated for at least a week. Lots of folks go through their entire lives without ever having the real flu. I’ve been unfortunate enough to have it twice, both times were absolutely awful.
You pretty much won’t feel sicker than influenza makes you feel unless you have Ebola or something.
I feel bad for all of you guys who got sick. Luckily I have not even had a runny nose or a sore throat this year. I don’t know if I have just been really lucky or if it is becuase I have been taking multivitamins and buffered vitamin C all year. Hopefully I can get through the spring without any cold/flu.
I’ve been sick three times this year (never happened to me before), nasty colds/sinus infection. It’s been a bad year for just about everyone I know as far as getting sick goes. If I get the fucking flu I’m going to kill whoever gives it to me.
I came in this thread with the full intention of making fun of Starboy, and jokingly wishing him even worse symptoms. Now, after reading his post I kinda feel bad about it. I mean, not THAT bad… I doubt I’ll lose any sleep over it, but still…
thankfully I have a badass immune system and haven’t even had anything more than 24 hours of mild congestion any time in the last 10 years. :bowdown:
My office always offers a flu shot during the fall, and I never get it becuase I have heard a lot of people actually get sick due to the shot or it doesn’t even end up protecting them from the current season’s flu strain that is going around. Based on what the guys above have said about what the real flu is like, I have never really had it and I probably have not had a flu shot in the last 10 years.
thats the influenza. that the real flu. my brother had it a few weeks ago and it lasted 2 weeks. he went to the doctor and they did bloodwork to confirm it. there lots of cases of it coming out of allegheny county.
I have never had a flu shot in my life. Why? Well due to…
Companies come out with a vaccine that THINKS will take care of the flu. Ever notice that the vaccine comes out before the flu hits? How are you going to cure something that hasn’t came out yet?
Hard to say for certain, but I really wouldn’t be surprised.
I had the flu this year, no vomiting, but I felt like death warmed over…for about a week. I was very weak, slept a lot, and was constantly hot then cold. I seem to snag a sinus problems from time to time, but rarely get anything like this. It sucked, but I don’t believe mine was nearly as severe as what Starboy described.
I got the flu shot for the first time this year. However, I don’t think I have ever actually had the flu despite working in a hospital/healthcare for several years.
Taken from the CDC website:
Each vaccine contains three influenza viruses-one A (H3N2) virus, one A (H1N1) virus, and one B virus. The viruses in the vaccine change each year based on international surveillance and scientists’ estimations about which types and strains of viruses will circulate in a given year.
About 2 weeks after vaccination, antibodies that provide protection against influenza virus infection develop in the body.
The flu shot: The viruses in the flu shot are killed (inactivated), so you cannot get the flu from a flu shot. Some minor side effects that could occur are
* Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given
* Fever (low grade)
* Aches
If these problems occur, they begin soon after the shot and usually last 1 to 2 days. Almost all people who receive influenza vaccine have no serious problems from it. However, on rare occasions, flu vaccination can cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions.
I had walking pneumonia for a month in Sept 2006. It was nothing compared to what Starboy is talking about. Yeah, it sucked, but Ive felt shitter with other illnesses.
After I was better, I got a flu shot because the doctor told me if something like that hit me again, my immune system wouldnt be able to handle it as well as this time and the common cold would turn into much worse. So I got the shot and wasnt sick for a year. My friend/roommate is always sick, so I almost always caught it off of her, but nothing. It was great. I should have gotten another one this year.
Just out of curiousity, what was your fever? The highest I had was 104.8, and Ill tell you what, that was the worst thing ever. I managed to play 3 games of volleyball with it, but when I got home, took my temp and saw it, I laid with heating blankets, comforters, piled higher than I could see over, and still froze. Totally sucked!
My wife has the flu right now, basically the same as starboy described…I took her to the ER last night after her 103 degree temperature wouldn’t drop no matter what medication I gave her. She was throwing up the water I was getting for her and said she was having trouble breathing. She’s super fucking sick. After lots of tests the ER doc diagnosed her as having influenza with possible complicating sinus and bronchial infections.
Taking to the doc, found out that it’s actually possible in years like this to get the flu twice, as there are two different strains going around. Yargh.
It’s been an extra shitty year with everyone I know for getting sick. Hopefully it’s almost over.