%)(&#)(&$@)(*@)$@ ugh

how the fuck do u win faceoffs in nhl 06 ! i cannot get better than 25% for the life of me and its starting to piss me off!

you dont.

thats what i have decided.

lol yea i had too… until i started playing a ton of 2 player games and i STILL can’t win them??! now i’m convinced its somthing i’m doing wrong lol

Its becuase you suck, and I don’t :hitit:

:lol: u bitch, just watch out for next time!

hmm, i win most of them :gotme: press the buttons faster :tup:

also aim down to a defense man with the D-pad

Get with the times Jay and get a controller with a Turbo button! :stuck_out_tongue:

i own faceoffs in that game. I allways wait for the refs arm to et to a certain pont and hit the button. I get bout 70% winning percentage.

u serious? i lead the nhl with drury at 83% and briere has 77% on all-star level…

well apparently u just mash the button as fast as you can…which is lame because i was actually trying to go when the ref would go…

try holding down the button and when he drops, let off…

will do


at least on PC.