somebody pm me with something please…
if my broken hips are up to tha task, maybe ill drop by. ill give you a holla lata to see if youve got room
i had a party last year and it turned into a bottle rocket, firecracker and roman candle fight. I am surprised no one lost an eye
ill be there.
you gotta make those two boxes say uncle ben’s grand finale instead of uncle abes
this is for fags.
see you there
see you guys there.
that was quite hazardous
the most impressive display of privately funded fireworks i’ve ever seen. :tup:
How true, was an amazing showing. Funny as heck too.
looks like it was a good time
I cannot believe ctnewman came out in one piece.
I was standing 20 feet back most of the time and I got hit a few times.
p.s. Don’s rocket launcher
rocket launcher > * Don you win. Thanks for the good times tonight guys. Those smores were to die for!
fun times…
it was great!!!im surprized noone got hurt!!very surprized
I almost got hit with a mortor and a few other things as it was definately a good time. Next year is garunteed to be bigger and better as usual.
i saw that!!!it was raing debres the hole time fireworks were goin off!!my eyes are damaged!!
dons lil sholder canon was pretty shnazzy
Come on fuzzy fish where are you!!!
The picture he took could be put on a CNN headline news cast.
“more rocket attacks in the Gaza Strip today by hezbollah”
Great picture.