
Pretty cool little beer app, anyone use it?

My user name is Ultradriver10000 if anyone is on.

no one? lol


I just started using this app.
A friend has 830 different beers. Jerk

I don’t use it a ton but its neat. I’m only at like 4x beers.

I should have used this when I went to Belgium fuck

I am at several thousand… I used this app for like one hundred of them and gave up on it.

      • Updated - - -

I do use it when I go to a place where I have no clue what the beers are. Then I can look at the ABV and overall consensus on the beers.

Just got it, looks pretty cool. JayS2

Yes, I have been on it for a while, but haven’t used it for months.

Excitedly, I am VIPing to this http://untapped-festival.com/dal/

Importanter link: http://untapped-festival.com/dal/brews/

JMGearhart :run:

Too many snobs on there. I don’t need a 3,000 word review about why you hate a beer and it’s a disgrace to humanity and not fit to water plants. Reminds me of the South Park Yelp episode.

EDIT: never mind, I’m thinking of beeradvocate. Haven’t checked this one out.

I need more friends.
I’m drvnkd of course

Also. I wish there was a way to add historical beers.
How can i add the 2 or 3 beers i have tried in the last year or so.

My current goal is to try as many beers as possible for the least amount of money. Any nyspeed beer snob parties coming up?

My last party netted me 8 different beers.
FML… kid friendly parties preferred. :lol:


Kind of disappointed I couldn’t figure out how to check in with a liter of mulled wine in a Girl Scout water bottle that I was walking around with Halloween night.

FWIW, I’m bracketracer on there also

I like this goal. I think a good cheap beer is way better then an expensive great beer.

I’m not sure when we’ll be hosting another beer tasting but that’s a great way to try a bunch of beers. Get 15-20 people together, each of them brings a couple different beers, and line them up so the most bitter/hoppy ones are at the end.

This one was beer and wine. I would suggest against that. So many people had shitty hangovers the next day.


I bring coors light to tastings… :smiley:


buy me beer