Upcoming AutoX's?

Well I was just wondering when the upcoming AutoX’s are. I know Beaverun has a few low key ones but I would prefer to try something new. I went to one of those for my first time and it was a good time but I would rather pay a little less and use a automated timer :stuck_out_tongue:


There is a date is August that is suppose to either move of be canceled (its the one on the 2nd I think). The North track time trial got moved to the one beaverun is holding on July 25th & 26th. And I think on August 1st & 2nd there is another event out at Wyotech in Blairsville.

Awesomme! Thanks man.

Have you attended one at Wyotech? Someone actually just told me about those a few days ago lol Do they have a website or something they post the schedule on?

Again, thanks for the help!

Yup they are racing out at Wyotech in Blairsville now. Lot is the size of a postage stamp, but its really laid back and they have free food usually. Its being run by the Allegheny Highlands Chapter.

And for Steel Cities the August 2nd date has been moved to the 29th, so August now looks like this. (made these changes in the schedule thread also)
August 15 - Steel Cities SCCA CEP Event #5
August 16 - Steel Cities SCCA CEP Event #6
August 29 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #7
August 30 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #8
They dumped the 2nd test n tune they were suppose to have. Main reason for the dates moving around at the last minuet was the club race at Beaverun on the first weekend of August being canceled. And that’s the weekend of the PA vs. OH challenge event that we have won each year thus far hehe.

I had a feeling it would be small which really sucks with my car but oh well, maybe I’ll check it out.

I’m bummed about the 2nd as I was planning on attending, but I hope to be there the 15th-16th for my birthday :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the info man!