*UPDATED* 2010 NYSpeed Spring Meet & BBQ! Sunday May 2nd.

Burnout discussion has been beaten pretty well.
Some for, some against. The actions of a few will effect a groups opions…
Not the best idea, but can be entertaining…
Not the best venue, but not the worst…

Times change, people change… Everyone is, has been, or will be an ass hat at some point or another.
Get on with the pics already, I have work to put off until later.

how does that have any effect on how mature or responsible i am? i held down two jobs 100% for years…all while going to college…

all this coming from someone who’s title states: “.08 is NOT too drunk to drive”

lol now thats mature

oh hang on a second…

wow sounds like your a pothead without the pot…nice man!

So can I bang your mom or what?

Laziness motivates process improvements because there is more important work that needs to be done.
Thats as anti-pothead as I can imagine.

ex. Man, I wish there was an easy way to get pictures onto web forums…
There is clearly room in the process for improvement. If they were all up, we could all be more productive in making useless replies.



I was more referring to hanging out with Yambag as a sign of immaturity than smoking pot…although doing so at work is :tif:
I’m allowed to be immature. I like heaterz

Heaters are cool haha

someone should dub “i like heaters” over the turtles kid video.

an another lol if you think he’s the same on the forum as he is off the forum…i sat across from him for a couple years

Watching the E30 burning out at about 20mph scared me a little and reminded me of this vid…

BED are you fucking serious? You are comparing that to a brake standing heater where he was not even moving? Really man?

Right. That would be what happen when you lift abruptly, fortunately even i know better than that.

God damn my car is sexy.


You still have snows on?


this thread is hilarious

since when does having a job = maturity? lol

Trying to be mature is for losers. That shit is only good for 20something year olds who just started making money and think that is how they should be acting and portraying themselves.

No, at least one heater he did he was moving along pretty good at the end. I didn’t know the guy so I wasn’t sure he wouldn’t do something stupid.

Lets redirect this thread to making fun of the SHARK