*UPDATED* 2010 NYSpeed Spring Meet & BBQ! Sunday May 2nd.

We’re not going to setup a cruise there since most of you live under 30min away. If someone else wants to start one, feel free!

Some of you guys may have missed where Mike posted that we need payment by this Sunday. Unfortunately this is the only date that we could hold a spring BBQ seeing as there are meets already setup every weekend in May (BE, Carlisle, etc.) And a meet in June would be… well… not a spring meet.

If we can’t get the numbers by this weekend we may have to scrap it. For those who want to show up, not eat and just hang out that’s cool, but the pavilion doesn’t pay for itself. We usually get a handful of free-loaders but if this time around they outnumber the paying members it really doesn’t make sense put in the effort.

We know it’s last minute, but this is the cheapest BBQ in NYSpeed’s history and it’s only a short drive for most members. So register so we can make it happen!

Hey josh pm me if it comes down to needing a couple more ppl to make this happen. Ill pay so it goes down and doesn’t just get cancelled.


I had a few people this weekend tell me they’d sign up today, so we’ll see where we are at the end of the day.

geez i almost forgot to check back, just paid :wink:

I’m pretty sure I’ll have 2-3 paying today. What happens with money if we don’t get enough people?

I’ll be there for a little while, but not for the food, I have other obligations.


just paid

registered and paid

Registered and paid. Bugging a few people right now to get this done.

just paid.

I keep getting an error when trying to register :frowning:

Error 3 - THERE WAS A DATABASE ERROR. PLEASE REPORT THIS PROBLEM IN OUR FORUMS! #RegForm { width:400px; height:auto; position:absolute; top:5px; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:left; margin-left:5px;}form div { position: relative; font-size: 100%; height:30px;}form div label { display:block; width: 85px; text-align: left; position:absolute; top:6px;}form div input { font-size: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 85px; font-size:10pt; color:#585858; border-color:#004080; border-style:solid; padding-left:4px;}form div select { font-size: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 85px; font-size:10pt; color:#585858; border-color:#004080; border-style:solid; padding-left:4px;}form fieldset { border:#004080 medium solid; background-color:#E6FFE6;}form fieldset legend { font:Arial, Helvetica bold; font-size:14pt; color:#004080;}.badinput { background-color: #F7E1DB; border: solid #C76565;}.goodinput { background-color: #E1FFE1; border: solid #0C0;}Error 5: Error writing User Data to table User where data not valid- PLEASE REPORT THIS PROBLEM IN OUR FORUMS!

wish i could go…wont be in ny state for another 2 weeks…sigh

Update for some users having issues:
The registration script was ported over from the other site and still has some glitches in it. I worked them out the best that I could, but if you can not proceed all of the way, either PM me and I can force it (Like the email issue) or I will put the paypal address in the first post and you will need to email me the confirmation and your username so that I can add you to the list. mgleeson@gmail.com for emailing the confirmation

PAYPAL ADDRESS: info@onyxsyndicate.com

Pay with that method Sam!

Registered and paid :tup:

Ok, I PP’d the address and sent my email with conf. info :slight_smile:

I can’t update the list at the moment, but registrations are pouring in at the 11th hour

We going to hit the mark?

i paid, along with snowboardinwny so you guys got 2 more atleast… my registration didnt work so i just used paypal and pm’ed onyx i think…
