Urban Dictionary LOLs

got bored and was searching around the good 'ol UD and came up with this for a result and made me lol

Cheektowaga blizzard

(Cheektowaga is a predominantly Polish-American suburb of Buffalo, New York.)

A sex act that involves a man fingering a woman like a bowling ball (bowling is very popular in Cheektowaga), followed by ejaculating in her face so she sees nothing but white (the blizzard itself), then taking a large dump next to her so she can be “next to Depew.” (Depew is a town next to Cheektowaga.)

So that’s the name of it huh?

If I’m ever so bored that I’m just reading UD I think it’s time to find a new hobby.


UD story = Gross
Cat picture = LOL!

I was meh until the “large dump next to her so she can be next to Depew.”


damn it everytime i think i invented something, i find out that someone already did it.

when my old lady finds out all that practice was for nothing im dead meat