My Urbandictonary entry

So apparently I pissed some Fb champions off :rofl I think my entry for the town of Cobleskill is nearly flawless. I think you should vote it up if you agree.

upped, seems spot on to me.

Agreed as well.

You forgot to mention Walmart.

Ive never thought Cobleskill was that bad but I dont live there.

lol yesssssssssssssss. the place is one big trailer park.

Lol. i like cobykill, just wouldnt want to live there. It doesnt hold the candle to the black hole of NY tho, ive been to many towns that are way worse in this state.

yea… 99% of NY is worse. You guys have a taco bell for gods sake

Yah… we’ve been to some truly shitty parts of new york, but Pennsylvania is just the absolute worst.

HEY Lancvin, coolstorysupermariobros.

I know there are a ton of shittier places, but Cobleskill just has a special type of sad that infects those that pass through its center. Few believe, even fewer willing to admit that they believe; Cobleskill destroys people from the inside. Only native born Cobbleskillians are immune to its affects apparently. Unfortunately there are a handful of locals that are also subject to this eerie towns effects. No explanation can seem to be found. Old, young, obese, clearly have aids; you will feel the wrath of the stares of many whenever you intrude on their isolated intellects, with as little as trying to converse with a resident. The interactions are at times boring, dull, what have you, but every once in awhile, on rare occasion, something wonderful happens there. Ever goto any fast food restaurant and get good food in town? That friends, is the only happiness this town can offer. Sure there are lots of activities available to you here, if you like food, and butterfaces, inbred mentality and the deplorable condition of most that occupy the village. I look forward to any travel that has me leave the confines of such a place. As soon as I hit seventy miles an hour, in any direction, Im free.

so whats keeping you there if you hate it so much?

My brother lives here, and I have shared custody of my daughter, and her mother is here.

if it wasnt for cobykill id have to drive to fucking shitty rotterdam to goto the parts store

yo jon wat was that town that we cleaned that house at, it was like 2 or so hours west? it had that bathroom with all the hair in it and then the big ass rat u tried to kill?

THAT was def more of a black hole than cobleskill LOL or how about down in shenectady area where that house all boarded up was at with no lights :lol

def black holes

fuck newburgh

Where rednecks-at-heart live, but can still commute to their jobs at the state in their truck.


Newburgh is justttt awful

You spelled descent wrong and I refuse to up it until you fix it.

holy shit lol i dont remember but it was out towards cortland, that whole town was a dump, theres a lot of towns in lewis county that could take the crown.

newburg isnt that bad, i was just down there last week.

:hug the town in which the most redneck fun can be had with a jug of moonshine

fixed for clarity.