Urban Exploration & Photography

as promised a few shots from the Pendleton Castles.
there was also rumor of a mermaid that lived in the pond and I just noticed that she showed up in one of the pics near the bottom of the castle…

Wow. That place looks awesome.

I’m definitely going to check that place out. It’s about a minute drive from my house and I never knew of it’s existence ether.

fuck that place looks awsome!!!
deff a summer time place.

on a side note.
just discovered 2 new spots tonight with my exploration consigliere iank.
awsome, awsome places. very easy access, well to one of them lol

we need to get a group of 5-10 people and hit up everyones favorite spots.

id love to do this, say next sunday???

Where do you live? I’m right on beach ridge

Sounds goood, count me in

LOL At easy access. I suppose its only illegal if you get caught haha. Dope night though.

And awesome pics of the castles. Care to share any info on how to get back there ?


Sounds good to me.

I’m on Bear Ridge rd. near the dinosaurs, ok maybe 30 seconds away for me as well. I think I met you at your house this past summer. You had a t-bird in the garage, a newly acquired field car t-bird that wouldn’t start and a v-8 t-bird in the driveway, I was with brad in the silver t-bird SC. lol

LOL We are the worst criminals EVER. We take the time to jimmy into some place and dont take or disturb anything haha

Fggts should have called me. I didn’t feel like working on the car so I pretended to do home work all night.

I’m in. We should get a bi-weekly meet thing going and eventually go to every place we can find.

Speedster: Good flix, you have to show me around there.

well places i go to every year are:

underground in the gorge


the dino as people call it on the river, this one is a bit sketchy
this is 1/2 way up, you can get a great view of everything from the top


i used to have access to part of the pierce arrow complex(had a key) but we do not anymore :frowning:

Sick, I’d be down for those also.

This is one of the places Jay and i went last night that we didn’t get to finish. We only really went through the first part of the complex (dotted building) and there is so much left to explore. Im also willing to bet that that whole thing behind it is open and abandoned as well.


let me know next time, i dont mind lugging my camera through crap like that hah

That’s near General Mills, right? Like near that concrete factory or whatever? Or is it the one near the sketch fest bridge that raises and lowers?

HAHA I do a lot of shit with my camera setup, but i always have to consider its worth when dong shit like this.


Yes. Right off ohio st.








