Urban Exploring Meets Soviet Space Program...

lol, don’t kudos me I didn’t take the pics!

Awesome pics. I love this stuff.

still waiting for the link to all the pics…? I have a russian friend who loves urban exploring.

That’s all the pics.

Source: http://www.themysteryworld.com/2010/12/abandoned-remains-of-russian-space.html

josh, you and all your urbex stuff
making me jealous and itching to do some more

Pretty neat pics again

Imagine you’re a teen-ager near Baikonur a few years back, looking to escape for a few hours and down some vodka. How cool would it be to go drinking in a space shuttle? That was the fate of this Buran, a non-flying model used for aerodynamics tests and one of only four that survived.

Bump for pics of a liquid-propellant rocket engine factory (used in the Soyuz launch platform) near the outside Moscow:


All / more of them here: http://lana-sator.livejournal.com/160176.html

I wonder how many bad things are floating around in the air there :lol:

I’d love to go to Russia and check this stuff out, including Chernobyl.

Wow… greeaaaattt stuff.

I have been eyeing up UE places for my return to the eastern bloc and im going to have to throw this on here. Obviously logistically these are all pretty tough places to gain access to but the images stick with you for a lifetime. These communist era findings are so surreal in person. Every single place seems like Back Ops level.

So far Vukovar Coratia (the most leveled city of the Yugoslav Wars though repaired a lot) and Pripyat Ukraine (Chernoby) top the list. My Russian friend supposedly know of a guy who runs “underground tours” where you can rent Rad suits and explore the city.

Its crazy to just imagine a city frozen in time






And Vukovar



and after the war



I love this pic:

Hell yeah, looks awesome! Josh you down to go? Better gear up pretty boy!

holy shit, missed this the first time around. awesome pics.

it makes me sooo sad to see these kinds of things…
years of engineering wasted.
new frontiers we could have discovered! new places and further exploration! new sciences. new worlds. a better understanding of our own planet.
yet all we’d rather do is spend that money on war and killing each other… because back than at least a war gave us the space race. now… its the useless death of people. and wasted talent sitting in offices at NASA with no financial backing.

I hope korea… or someone decides to make it to mars first… than maybbbeee that jackass obama might considering giving some money to NASA…
at least europe has a scientific goal… with the LHC…
man i need outta this gaping asshole that is north america…

newman should jump off some of that stuff.

most of the images look like they are straight out of a video game

Very cool post. :tup:

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I’m pretty sure a lot of that stuff was rendered for call of duty mw1. I distinctly remember that ferris wheel

This photographer snuck in this factory. The pics are so surreal.