Urban Exploring Meets Soviet Space Program...

So many flex hoses and expansion joints. Bunch of fucking drunks.

First time I have seen it. Very cool


Bah…Lets see how many flex joints you add when you calculate the stress by hand :stuck_out_tongue:

By hand? I’d just build the whole thing out of hose. :bigtup:

Looks like a map from Call of Duty.

Soo I have nothing to contribute to the epicness of this thread but can we not let this one die? So surreal looking at these pics. Like MOBOOST said it’s crazy to imagine the city being frozen in time.


The things I would do to have the opportunity to play airsoft there. lol

Once upon a time I used to make expansion joints… They can do anything and are reliable as fuck even when they’re dented and worn to hell and squirming like no tomorrow… They still work as intended.
No doubt they’d use a shitload of them in a propellant factory. Quite a few pressure changes there I’m sure.

On a side note; the place I would most want to explore would be the VAB… Vehicle assembly building built for NASA. I once read somewhere that it’s so big that clouds form inside the building and it can rain.

True to an extent. If nuclear war broke out the emp blasts would have rendered half of the worlds transistor using equipment useless. But the old school vacuum tube technology on that thing would have kept it flying. Just saying. But back on point. The first thing I thought of when I saw those pics was Black ops. Its a shame that stuff like that is just left to “rot away”.



That whole level was modeled after the real place - the empty swimming pool, the buildings, all of it. Really cool.

Proof? Not that I don’t believe it…

I would just like to point out that Obama increased funding to NASA, we have observer status at CERN, and have contributed $531 million to the LHC. Despite that, we’re busy operating our own high energy physics lab and our own particle accelerator at a little place called Fermilab. It’s outside of Chicago.

Who’s the gaping asshole now? :slight_smile:

first off…i LOVE the engineering, architecture, everything about the pictures…it really does a great job giving everything a sense of identity, kind of explains the culture/mindset at the time…

one thing I noticed is how many times people referenced Black Ops…talk about a real change in generations. I’m sure if some of us were playing the game we stopped and said “hey, I know that place from real life, I read about it/saw it on tv”. Now, it has become the opposite—we see a place, and it’s “hey, that’s from Black Ops”…

sort of a case of “what came first, the chicken or the egg”…or in the case of our generation, “the Soviet Bloc or the Black Ops”

first thing i thought of…

Chernobyl movie, lol:


They should pay royalties to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game series for that,lol.

Bump. All pics here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/33104187@N04/sets/72157638216331125
