USA Olympic Uniform made in China

Damn Shame. :usa: Go USA :usa:

kind of related…;ylt=Au77kM8ite5dFvNOqj1Wr06o6.d;_ylu=X3oDMTQ0NTAya2cxBG1pdANUZXN0IERvbnQgTWlzcwRwa2cDN2RkZjg2ODYtNjc2MC0zMDMzLWE3MWMtZDQ4ZTAwZTNiYTQxBHBvcwM1BHNlYwNNZWRpYUZlYXR1cmVkQ2Fyb3VzZWwEdmVyAzM1MjY4NTBjLWNjZmItMTFlMS1iN2RmLTE2ZDEwMGFhOGYyZA–;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

Bet the same people bitching about this have the majority of their wardrobe manufactured overseas as well…

How is this any different than the vast majority of Domestic Auto parts being made overseas?

It’s not really any different than either of the two statements. However, when you are representing your Country in a World Wide competition it’s a little bit of a slap in the face to have that clothing produced in a competing country where the laborer is paid in pennies, and for no good reason other than the fact that it’s cheaper. The Olympics is all about showing pride in your country and competing for it. IMO, that warrants some good old fanshioned “Made in the USA” threads.

I feel when this is a once every 2 year spectacle on a global stage, where you are supposed to be prideful of your country, you shouldn’t be outsourcing the production of your uniforms. I guarantee you the shirt I have on now is made in Indonesia or China, but for an event like this you would imagine they would try to have on things that are American made.

Granted, this is I guess the “American Way”, so in reality just enforcing the culture we have become.

Eventually the uniforms won’t even say “USA” they will say “China”. Maybe not in my lifetime but probably your lifetime.

I doubt it. When representing your country, in attempts to be the best in the world, shouldn’t the US have made these in the US?

Where were they made when Romney did the Olympics?

Thank Jebus most you guys are on the same page. I can’t believe some think this isn’t a big deal. It’s not like these athletes are tourists and shit, they are supposedly representing our national pride.


They are just doing what Americans do best… Exploit cheap labor overseas to increase profit margins on disposable shit. Seems perfectly fitting actually.

Where do we stop? Do the shoes the runners are outfitted with have to be labelled Made In America? How about the paddles and boats in rowing? Does it all have to be made in America because we need to show our national pride?

This is a non-issue, except for the fact that it is an opportunity for politicians to pander and pretend they are making a difference while doing nothing of significance.

The uniforms are also gay as fuck.

Here is a better red white and blue uniform:

I actually gave that a lot of thought.

The difference between the equipment and clothing is that the equipment is mostly mass-manufactured stuff that was used before the Games, and will continue to be used/purchased/distributed after the games. If a particular athlete prefers a specific type of Kayak paddle, it’s unreasonable to make a custom run of them in the USA just to satisfy the “Made in USA” label. Point being, those items aren’t made in a one-time run just for the Olympics. They are made for their respective sport outside of the Olympics as well.

In the case of the clothes, they never existed before, and after the games end, they will never be made again. They are a one-off. That makes it more WAY more reasonable to interrupt the clothing maker’s usual process of overseas manufacturing, and having a manufacturer in the US create them.

Who cares? Next year they will be made in America, the next third world country.

Meh. They were designed by an American company that, like most American companies, manufactures stuff overseas. Welcome to the global economy. Hopefully they’ll at least drive American cars. That were assembled in Canada. From parts manufactured in China.

Since when is the Olympics about representing your country?

Wasnt this the year athletes spoke up about wanting to be paid to participate and arent many international coaching gigs given to non-national coaches? The textile industry is no longer ours, we dont need to be dominant in everything… pussies.