So just yesterday I went to upload some photos from my digital camera to my laptop via USB. Well when it detected the camera, the usual screen popped up where it asks which task I would like to do but there were no options. So I just hit cancel and opened up the camera under my computer. Well again, nothing showed up. So I abandoned that project and then went to print something using my printer which connects via USB. After trying to print it said the printer was offline.
Now I was beginning to think something was wrong with the USB ports. I tried all 4 on my laptop to no avail. I also connected an old USB mouse that I haven’t used in a couple of years. It detected the mouse and it worked for a little bit and then out of the blue my laptop just shut down. I tried one other USB connection, my ipod. Again, no detection of the device.
Now I’m not really technical savvy and this is a 6 year old laptop on its second hard drive, but does anyone know what the problem could be (besides old age)? I am planning on upgrading anyways, gonna try to snag one on Black Friday. But in the mean time it would be great if I could figure out how to get these USB ports working again. If anyone has any knowledge on this, it would be appreciated.