USB Port Trouble on Compaq Presario V4000

So just yesterday I went to upload some photos from my digital camera to my laptop via USB. Well when it detected the camera, the usual screen popped up where it asks which task I would like to do but there were no options. So I just hit cancel and opened up the camera under my computer. Well again, nothing showed up. So I abandoned that project and then went to print something using my printer which connects via USB. After trying to print it said the printer was offline.

Now I was beginning to think something was wrong with the USB ports. I tried all 4 on my laptop to no avail. I also connected an old USB mouse that I haven’t used in a couple of years. It detected the mouse and it worked for a little bit and then out of the blue my laptop just shut down. I tried one other USB connection, my ipod. Again, no detection of the device.

Now I’m not really technical savvy and this is a 6 year old laptop on its second hard drive, but does anyone know what the problem could be (besides old age)? I am planning on upgrading anyways, gonna try to snag one on Black Friday. But in the mean time it would be great if I could figure out how to get these USB ports working again. If anyone has any knowledge on this, it would be appreciated.

Well it sounds like a short on the MOBO…If none of the ports work properly and caused computer to shut down it might be faulty ports/MOBO. You could also try and download the latest chipset drivers from the laptop manufacturer. Dell and HP are easy to get these from. LMK

Where would I be able to download those drivers? Sorry if that’s a dumb question, I’m just clueless when it comes to a lot of this stuff.

USB ports sound fried as mentioned above.Do you see any exclamation points in your device manager?

You could always buy a PCMCIA USB Card…

No exclamation points in device manager. It claims that all the hubs are working properly.

What brand is it? Model number would be awesome if you have it.