Use your Xbox 360 to Fight for Liberation!!!!

It’s the sound, where is the trademark sounds from the engine and gun I mean seriously that is like my two favorite part to the plane.

Oh well at least it can go absurdly faster than it ever could in real-life. And the fuel bomb is quite fun, anyone up for a game tonight? :slight_smile:

After beating the game last night on hard (didn’t even play normal), I’d have to say my favorite plane is the F/A-18 Super Hornet. Best balance of attack,defense,mobility, and the best range of weapons and it has countermeasures. I’m going to start expert now, and honestly except for 2 missions, I think I could beat the whole game with just the F/A - 18.

Only thing annoying is multiplayer, everyone uses the F-22 or SU-47 with the QAAM missles. Gets really cheesy after a while.

I’ve gotten to play a few rounds with some guys that are really good, and don’t use those planes. Much more fun. We were doing a Seige multiplayer battle, we had all U.S. Navy/Marine planes (F-14, F/A 18), and the other team had all F-22 or SU-47s and we STOMPED them even though we were outnumbered almost two to one. Tactics and teamwork really paid off.

A-10 is cool, but it’s too slow, especially if you need to hustle to help out your buddies.