Use your Xbox 360 to Fight for Liberation!!!!

this game is ok, i played it a bit last night, crashed my plane and got bored.

ill play it more tonight.


The serial cable for the throttle plugs into the flight stick. Do you really need the controller’s that far apart?


haha, :picard: on myself x 295763498629

I was in a rush last night to open up the box and check everything out, i didnt even notice that the serial cable plugs into the other controller :picard: i guess THAT would explain why its so short :deadhorse: haha im such a dumbass. guess im good to go :smiley:


this game is ok, i played it a bit last night, crashed my plane and got bored.

ill play it more tonight.


well, sounds like its not up to your standards your royal highness :thankyou:


you blow at video games and complain they suck when you suck at them

lol yeah mike, i do suck and i refuse to try and get better :slight_smile:


lol yeah mike, i do suck and i refuse to try and get better :slight_smile:


It’s ok kev :rx3: , we still love you man


on my way to brest bruy to pick up the most expensive game yet for 360 :tspry:

ok ill play later if u guys want.

I didnt need the shim sham stick

I am old school controller ftw.

My main qustion before I end up buying this. Can the joystick be used on a PC if it’s plugged in like a 360 controller can be?

word is yes.

It was the same for Ps2 when the stick came out (had to download drivers).


My main qustion before I end up buying this. Can the joystick be used on a PC if it’s plugged in like a 360 controller can be?


I actually asked this when i was buying it just out of curiosity, and the virgin gamestop dudes over-enthusiastically replied with “OMG yes bro it will work on any windows based game, its toootally awesome omg!! high five each other:clap:

So yes.


wtf, best buy doesnt have it


If you’re looking for the flightstick combo, it was pre-order/special order. Most stores won’t have it in stock unless someone backed out of an order.

As for the game, Gamestop should have a few left.


wtf, best buy doesnt have it


prolly willing to sell mine. ~3 hrs on them.

Yeah I’m totally headed out to find a copy now. I’m pumped, with any luck I’ll be online tonight. :tup:

Probably minus the stick though, I don’t do too many hardcore sims these days.

the gamestop down the street from me has one…heading that way in a couple…

Booo, gamestop closed just as I pulled in. And ghetto wal-mart didn’t have it. :frowning:

uh, put a solid 3-4 hours on this today. w/the 61" its damned near like a simulator. don’t think ive spent this much time on a game in one sitting since i was a kid.


Fun game, but the A-10 greatly disappointed me. I was so pumped. :frowning:


Fun game, but the A-10 greatly disappointed me. I was so pumped. :frowning:


agreed. i mean its an armor clad flying cannon… but still seems a bit meh.

the mirage is a lil better in that role - no fancy x4 AtG missles tho. :lolsign: