Using KA Tranny on SR....opinions

hey guys i know that this has been Beaten to death and i have done as much research as google will let me, but putting a sr bell housing on a ka tranny, does it work… i know they are the same gear ratios but i just need some opinions on this…do you know any one who has done it…
input would be appreciated/

Yes you can put KA tranny onto an SR bellhousing and it will indeed work

Check the FSM if you want to know how too it but its pretty straight forward and shouldnt be all that hard (I’ve got one to do myself I just havent got around too it yet)

yeah i know its pretty easy… but you guys no ppl who have done this with out any problems?

I don’t know anyone who has had a problem doing this.

but do you know anyone that’s done it?

More people than you can know pal, friends.

It works just fine… isn’t this thread in the wrong section?

You just need to change the bell housing…I started a thread a few weeks back and asks the same question. SEARCH

so who on son has officially removed ka and sr bellhousing and done the swap?

No one in their right mind would post that. Imagine your “silvia” advertised with a dirty dirty KA tranny mated to the SR bellhousing. You couldn’t call it a “silvia” anymore! That’s just worng.

To anyone who has done this swap, do not post in this thread, your JDM tyteness will be lost. You will no longer be dori.

Best Regards,

I’ve finally got around to removing the bell housing from my spare SR tranny but because I want to Powder Coat the bell housing, not to swap on a KA tranny.

Its friggin simple shit thou, like so simple, that is why you dont see people making posts about it (theirs no point).

yeah so this can be locked… there really is no point talking about it anymore …KA Tranny+ SR bell housing = usable transmission on SR