Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

Bush prolly didnt, but I’m sure someone would have. Acutally, I’ll go ahead and say that there are teams of people that get paid 40 - 120k a year to think of this shit.

Now, wether or not they are ignored…


Zerodaze, why do you bother defending Bush? If your a republican/conservative thats fine, but come on, this is the best person to lead this country?

He should have planned for the worst case senario and he didn’t. We don’t have the resources that we would normally have in this situation becasue of Iraq, and that is unacceptable.

He should recall a portion of our troops, if not our entire national gaurdsmen, to help with this trajedy. But he won’t.

Bush is a sinking ship te best thing to do is to stop trying to defend him, when you can’t, and relize the joke of a person he is. This is not because he is a republican, it’s who he is. History is going to say that he was one of the worst Presidents we ever had.

He inspries no compassion in this country. And in this situation I would not look to him at all. He is worthless.

Michael more is a good film maker (not documentarian, you have to objectively report accurate facts for that) but what dumfuk he is. His letter makes it sound like he expected bush to show up and stop the hurricane. I wonder how long it will be before he tries to profit from this disaster by coming out with an entertainingly inaccurate “documentary” about this.

why does it seem that Bush is always on friggin vacation…and then takes his time when something disasterous happens?

i cant imagine sitting on my roof for 5 days…and if deep down inside it is a racial thing for Bush…fuck that…black or white…they are still human beings who need help and are trying to survive and get out of there…

…there is no black race or white race…those are just skin colors…there is only ONE human race…and if someone needs help…they deserve it…as for the looters, they dont deserve help.

yea, thats it… he should have been sitting on the shitter going “hrm, i bet NO is gonna get flooded next week. i should maybe do something about that.”

you’re right we dont have all our resosurse here, because he is try to stablize the middle fucking east so we dont have another oil crisis like we did in the 70’s.

but really, i want to hear your supporting facts/thoughts/opinions.

What is wrong with you, seriously, it took them 4 days after the storm to get federal help. There is my fact, even Fox News criticized the Bush administration for not doing a better job.

Whose fault is it we are not prepared to handle a dissaster like this because we’re spread to thin?

Seriously knock it off, he fucked up. If he did everything he could and it still wasn’t enough at least that would be something. This feels like a half assed effort on his part.

Listen to the Mayor of New Orleans, his was dropping F bombs becasue of the lack of supplies.

We knew that the hurricane was going to hit New Orleans days ago. We know what hurricanes can do, Florida was devistated by them, its not rocket science for christ sakes.

Get your head out of your ass do your civic duty and be pissed off at the government becasue they didn’t do thier job. As citizens we should be criticle when the government fucks up and praise them when they do a good job. In this case they fucked up and we should be criticle about that.


Micheal Moore is always taken with a grain of salt. Why is president Bush being blamed for this NATURAL disaster. The people of New Orleans were given 5 days to get out of dodge. 5 DAYS, 120hours, When i backpack i can cover between 10-15 miles a day WITH a 50-60 lb backpack on me. know you will say, what about the elderly? the sick? the invalid? how are they going to get out? I agree that not everyone could get out. but to the people that had fair warning and did nothing i feel nothing for. Yes the traffic jam would be of epic proportions but you could get out of the way. Human loss would be no matter how you looked at it inevitable in this situation.

Let me put it this way, If you heard that Buffalo had a storm heading for us that would put us under 20 feet of snow and strand us for months,what would you do?
would you stay? would you do nothing? Any sane individual would leave town for warmer climes. No you might say Josh, what about those without cars? everyone knows someone with a car. Dont give me that.

Moving on.

Please explain yourself. This is why there should be a minimum word requirement.

Moore goes on to make the storm a race issue. Yes mr Moore, Hurricanes only strike the rich. Thanks for playing.

This has been discussed before. The best person to lead the country is never its president. The president is merely a charismatic figurehead to say what the washington think tanks tell him to. Why do you think there is a cabinet? George is a businessman, he spent his life in the upper crust. Like 99% of the presidents before him. As to blaming Bush for poor planning, The United States has many levels of government. President Bush did not draft plans for the levees(which were only designed for level three hurricanes) President Bush did not approve plans for said levees, He did not design the first levees(which were built in 1718) what happened in 1965? when hurrican Betsy overpowered the levees? did then Current president Lyndon B Johnson (Democrat) do anything to plan for the future? What about after hurricane Georges? President Clinton(democrat) gave the residents money to rebuild.
But what about making the levees stronger? No, it was not considered. So before you blather about this being a “Republican Problem” look at your history. Again and again we have learned that by not learning our history we are doomed to repeat it.
Could George have done anything to help before hand? yes, could all of succesors have done something? of course. The president, like all his forbears is a man who is pulled in a hundred different directions at once. before you blame him look at the big picture.

I said it sarcastically…

who ever said bush was being blamed for the natural disaster? Fucking noone!

He is being criticized for letting hungry/sick/freshly homeless/young children/elderly/people separated from their families stranded for 5 days because our resources are overseas being killed. And for what?

id clap my hands till they bled if dubya got a nice steaming hot bullet through his fucking eyeball.

FUCK that bitch.

(right in the ass)

Hey guess what!? A huge percentage of the people that stayed were POOR. They had no choice. Yeah you can backpack the fuck outta there but still, where are those people going to get food? Where are they gonna go? What about people who have diabetes or other conditions and dont have enough medicine to make that trip? What about people with no legs? Are you getting my point? The fact of the matter is there are fucking doctors in fucking hospitals down there that had no choice but to stay and take car of sick/injured people and are giving themselves IV’s to keep hydrated because THEY HAD TO FUCKING WAIT SO LONG. There are nurses that had to pump air into peoples lungs BY HAND all night to tons of people because the generators went out and they lost their respirators. ALL BECAUSE THEY HAD TO WAIT SO LONG.






i personally think that letter is ridicules, but think our president is more ridicules. There are so many ways in which he could have helped prepared for this. He could have used some of the choppers that are in Iraq (where they are not needed ) to help out all of those people that are/were sitting on their roofs DYING of starvation and dehydration! I’m not complaining that the hurricane hit and he didn’t STOP IT, but I strongly feel he didn’t fulfill his duties as the president of the united states.

If you’ve ever seen Fahrenheit 9/11 then you know how he handles pressure and important news. When his has addressed about the TWIN TOWERS in that classroom he just sat there and stared at the fucking wall. I’m sorry to people who support President Bush but he is not a Commander in Chief. He couldn’t even be the manager of your local McDonalds. He should call it quits and let someone else handle the country.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that he prolly went to sleep tonite with no problem and I sit in my bed sorely thinking of what should/should’ve been done to avoid/help this huge dilemma.

On a happier note, atleast gas is CHEAP God bless America!

lol…you all still have hope in leaders to just drop everything and send squads to save people like some fairytale.Bush has more important things to do,mini-golf,cycling,horseback riding,listening to his IPOD…etc.

Leave politics out of it,from day 1 it was Giant Douchebag, or Turd Sandwich.There wasnt a good choice for a presidental canidate,we would be in the same boat we are now…either or.

If I lived in that state,I wouldnt wait around for someone to save me.My ass would be oregon-trailing it to high ground,spears,log rafts,canopy’s made of intestine.Survival of the fittest,lots are migrating to texas.


There are no more blacks, whites, yellows, reds, w/e. We are all mulatto to some extent. Problem is that 90% of us are too ignorant to accept that.

Show me someone that says they are 100% of any race, and I’ll show You a fool.

There is ONE human race. Many, many nationalities… but one species.

You think a black gorilla hates on another black gorilla because their fur is slightly darker or lighter? Mind You, “black gorilla” is a species, not a moniker.


I agree that there was no “good” choice in that election. It’s come down to the lesser of two evils… and that, in itself, is wrong IMO. But that’s what it is.

I never blamed Bush for the Hurricane or even the levies. What I do blame him for is the lack of initiative and forsight to see that there was going to be a problem.

You say that people need to learn from the past or be doomed to repeat it? Well we have hurricannes nearly every year and it seemed the fed government didn’t prepare at all.

I know that there is many levels of government but the buck stops at the white house. He and his administration had five days to assess what might happen and what should be set in place prior to the storm hitting New Orleans. And they didn’t. He was still on vacation.

I understand that the hurricane was more powerful than people thought it would be. But still the responce was pathetic.

As was said befor the people of New Orleans had five days to get out and many of them didn’t. If you noticed the news stations showing the people stranded in downtown you can tell that most of them come from a pretty poor background (not becasue most of them are black either) so moving might not have been an option. But thats no excuse why we shouldn’t be helpping them.

I’m not even going to comment on bush, everyone already has their opinions and mind made up. It’s contraversial enough already.

Im really disapointed in the LA governor and the NO mayor. What were they thinking?? Surely they must have realized that
A) New Orleans is a large city below sea level and surounded by water
B) a massive category 5+ hurricane was coming
C) there was plenty of notice
D) all the experts said destruction and flooding was imminent
D) this entire scenario was inevetiable and should have been planned out years or even decades ago

why did they not have any organization or planning for this?
why was the evacuation not mandatory?
why are they blaming everyone but themselves for the chaos?


  • the national guard is activated by the GOVERNOR in a crisis or disaster situation NOT the president.
  • The governor should have been better prepared as well as the mayor
  • if I’m a new orleans citizen and I have 3 days notice a category 5+ hurricane is going to destroy and flood my city, and experts say I will die if I stay, I’m going to walk out of new orleans and at least get above sea level, and at the bare minimum take shelter there, if possible even catch a greyhound bus to anywhere away from New Orleans
  • looters, rapists and murders should be shot in public

off topic- this scares me.
what if there were simultaneous major terrorist attacks in a few american cities.
what would happen?
would our government be able to respond?
would our society just break down?

Moore should run for president… lets see how many people vote for him :bloated:

These people had 5 days to leave… now 10+ Billion of our tax dollars are going there

i love how none of you have disrupted your comfortable lives to get off your ass and go help out these people you seem so concerned about. instead you resume your normal lives and turn this natural disaster into a political arguement. if your so concerned about these people who wernt bright enough to get the fuck outta dodge then hop in your car, drive to new orleans, and do something about it. I’d rather let darwin’s theory play itself out.

You still don’t get it…

How Sad :frowning: