Vacuum + bad bearings + bored = this

jam u looked scared as hell lol

That is fucking awesome

i think i watched this video like 10 times yesterday.

went to the ritz, and watched it about 10 more times. holy fuck that vacuum is actually real loud.


memorial day scaring bump.

today is the day to scare someone you love!


thats great

:rofl: lol!!

LMAO… Poor Jam.

lol… but payback is a bitch.

fucking air raid siren. nice


Jam, youve gotta come up with something good to embarrass him. Heres some ideas :

  • Put deadly venomous Cobra in his work pants so when he puts them on in the morning he gets a pleasant surprise
  • Spike his Soy Milk with knockout drug then drag him to his bed and hire huge fatty to take provocative pics with him then post online
  • Rear end his STi with the vacuum cleaner - post vids on youtube
  • Switch out his regular jeans with men’s pants. (preferably wranglers):hay: Do it up, revenge is yours!! Now is the time to strike! :poke:

That was funny as hell :lol:

im still thinking of something… i have to talk to the shrew and see if newman is scared shitless of aything…

i was going to put meat somewhere in his room but that would be kind of mean

that fucking vaccum cleaner was next to my bed for 3 days, i didnt sleep at my appt for a while and barely was here, just to shower, change, shit, ect… i was wondering what it was doing there but just said fuck it. came home drunk the night before and this si what happens. goddamnit


whatever it is. just make sure to get it on video.

LOL. I just wanted JAM to start dreaming about vacuums an other cleaning products. "It’s a cruel hint"1 My next scare is going to involve some lysol and a feather duster.

1 Credit: Juicedz4


bump cuz it makes me laugh

LOL at Jams payback very funny :tup: :clap:

:word: Jam’s payback ruled…