Vacuum lines on sr20det and turbo lines on sr20det!?

Hi!I holp if someone cold help with the lines from my sr20!
I just need to know where go the turbo line from the turbo to? and form the blowout valve to? I am kind lost with it! I am not expert in turbos lol!
I have connected the blowout valve line from itself but i am not sure whre it goes! And i have connected the turbo line from itself but i don’t know where to conect it!
:slight_smile: So what i need is a info where to conect the blowout valve line and turbo line please!
Again thanks!

Oh dear god…

What ?

I mean what ? I read that three times and I’m still not sure what you are doing.

your BLOW OFF VALVE Needs to see vacuum, to assist with opening that valve. SO, you need to get a vacuum source from the throttle body. There are a few of them there so you have a few choices.

Your WASTE GATE ACTUATOR needs to see pressure to open. you can get that from anywhere on the charge pipes, but I would recomend as close to the turbo as possible.

But from your question this really isn’t something you should attempt on your own. Get someone who actually has a clue what they’re doing to do it for you.[/b]

^^^^ listen to him … but if ur gonna tru it urself please dont forget to prime the turbo BEFORE!! u actually start and drive the car.

What you mean prime the turbo!? I got the car with a pistons rings melted, i just did the swap for a new engine, do i need to prime even after the turbo has been used?
And if yes how do i do that?
Thank you very much guys for the info!

I have never primed my turbos, they have all been running fine for me. I think this is a matter of preference not necessary.