Valentine's Day

That too Jon Boy


Just have to find somewhere in this place we can go at night without getting shot at to get some dinner…ugh. Better start lookin now!

You won’t get shot in Latrobe… as long as you stay away from the Rednecks on Baggeley/Youngstown ridge.

If I lived in Pitt. maybe, but I live in Houston, I’ve moved.
Thanks for trying to help though!

hahaha, Don just dont eathot wings before you load her but with those anal beads, trust me on that one.

Do you speak from experience?


should have washed your hands dumbass.

I heard he needs one of these

or this

^ lol!!


whole motor or new bike FTW


very high probability of getting the second one. i have an awesome wife(sugar momma)

New one??? Or the one from Smokey’s work?

one from aj’s work. hopefully the 07 if he comes through on price.

total sweetness…I want to ride that fucker…i hear from 04 and up those RM’s rip pretty good

At first I thought you asking him if he got a new wife… hahahaha

It would be more funny if you thought that while reading my last post…haha

It’s a definite bonus that the girlfriend doesn’t like Valentines Day. Nothing for me to buy, no wishy-washy stupid stuff. Very happy about that.

But I just realized, this is our first valentines, so what the hell knid of leverage am I going to have for Steak and Blowjob Day? None. Absolutely None. Damn it.