Valentines Day gift thread

Just wondering if anyone wants to share what they gave their partner for Valentine’s day
Lets start with me…:stuck_out_tongue:

I gave it to her a few minutes ago.
I only got her one gift, but she loved it.

Journey Diamond Pendant 1ctw:tup:

^^^lol good one

My gift is a protein shake for this girl at approximately midnight, after some other guy takes her out somewhere expensive, gets her flowers, does whatever she wants to do, and gets a hug/kiss on the cheek to conclude the night

just this.

lol dammit i was going to say my dick in a box and post the video

Bahaha… That girls pretty hot though :wiggle:

eh shes ok, nice tits tho

how you found that, i dont even want to know

what u guys think? and more importantly, what do u girls think?

nice watch…and im not a huge watch person…i want the silver coach one…for the same reasons as the one above. it’s cute and its silver and it will go with anything.

good choice

a beautiful bouquet of flower.
a few drinks.
then amazing sex from me.

what more could a girl ask for?

Thats a nice watch Mr Junky.

Ohh and almost forgot…IM cooking tomorrow for her…lol

edit: for my wife that is

underwear, a helicopter ride, some photos that i took printed out, and some flowers.

Meh…dating the girl for only 2 months…so I got her two gallons of green tea (her fav)…a stuffed animal (awww) and chocolete. yeah, lame i know.

What I got, some simple chocolates. And a cute little teddy bear.

What she gave me, a sudden unexplained silent treatment and barely any replys beyond “meh” or “busy” for the whole two weeks leading up to Valentines Day. Man I hate this time of year…

Don’t even know why I bother anymore at this point.

i gave up, i mean look at this fucking beard!!!

anywho for v-day i got myself a rampant case of alcoholism and a brake pad job on the cackord… cute.

I’m getting fucking shitty after work tomorrow, who’s in?

i got the girl some swarovski crystal earings and she got me a $100 gift card to best buy for a cd player haha very romantic

don’t. make her make the next move. if shes flaking out on talking to/hanging out with you, the best way to stop it is to take away those opportunities, temporarily of course. broads are like cats. if you try to play with them too much, they run away. If you pet them for a minute then walk away, they wont leave you alone. dont call her for a few days, if she calls just be busy, and turn it right back on her. just whatever you do, don’t, don’t, don’t be clingy.

Sadly broke this Valentines Day and didn’t know what to get the gf, so I’m going to brainstorm.

Chocolate, taking her to dinner, sex, and probably grab something last minute. I normally have 1000’s of ideas, this year I didn’t have many