Ive been looking around on the board and a bunch of people have suggested to others looking for extra money to valet. I am looking to make some extra cash and this seems like a cool way to do it. Who in buffalo does valet parking? Anyone know of any ins that could help me out? You can obviously PM me if its better for you.
:tup: good money little hours :tdown:
talk to KCuv…he valets
You should go see if Eb Greens needs more valet people there was a huge wait to get my car parked last night.
TKValet all the way. I dont know if they need drivers, maybe in the spring. PM Onyxz32
I need to get p41d!
valet in the winter sucks ass
its slow as hell right now. i’m not gettin hours AT ALL so i don’t know what the hell is goin on. theres probably no way that you would get hired on right now cuz it’s so slow.