Valve Seals

These are completely shot on my KA24DE and causing the car to burn mad oil after an idle longer than 15-20 seconds… Like we’re talking a major cloud of blue smoke.

Not the head gasket, engine runs fine otherwise, other HG symptoms non-existent.

How easy/hard are these to replace? Is it something I could do or is it extremely recommended to pay someone to do them?

Just need the general info, also if anyone has done it before to give me a rundown of what I gots to do…

Thanks a lot.


You sure its the valve seals? Typically valve seals will cause some smoking on startup but not heavy smoke like you mentioned.

It could also be your valve guides.

Anyways, replacing valve seals is a bitch since you have to take off the valvesprings which typically is alot of work because you need a spring compressor. You could probably find a cheap good working KA for the price of the labor alone.

Princess auto sells all the tools u need to rebuild the head.

well the tools i could find, but i need to know if its worth attempting myself… ill be doing it w/ the engine in the car, not out.

I took it to my buddy whos been licensed for 30 years, described the problem, he drove the car, saw it, and said it was just the valve seals. thats all i know…