Vehicle Identification

Is there any other way besides the obvious VIN plates to legally identify a car, say if it was abandoned, to the most recent owner?

I would think if it is a newer car, the PCM stores the VIN as well. Lots of serial numbers on various parts of the car as well.

empty shell, no PCM, older car.

What kind of car/year is it? What is the story behind this, like did you find this while hiking or something, or did someone dump it on your lawn or just curiosity?

More or less, trying to dump it on somones lawn, kinda, wonderin if theres anyway to trace it.

Why not just dump it at a junk yard? With the price of metal skyrocketing I’m sure they’d give you something for it.


Why not just dump it at a junk yard? With the price of metal skyrocketing I’m sure they’d give you something for it.


You have to have a title/reg to junk it.


You have to have a title/reg to junk it.


not true sir. I’ve gotten rid of 3-4 titleless shells.

Maby we will, send it to a scrap yard but abandoning it in a public palce may be a decent prank

Don’t be that guy.


Don’t be that guy.


maby your right.


maby your right.


He is. really. :poke:


not true sir. I’ve gotten rid of 3-4 titleless shells.


Things have changed then. Can I borrow your car ? :smiley:

Shit, besides if you can get a few bucks for it at a junk yard, you can at least get a few beers out of the deal. :tup: :beer2:


Things have changed then. Can I borrow your car ? :smiley:


hell yea… ill give you bout 48 hours before i call it in. :biglaugh:

Take mine! I’ll report it stolen once we know it’s been crushed. You can have whatever insurance money’s left after the loan’s paid. :tup:

“NYSpeed doesn’t condone street racing… but insurance frauds okay!”


not true sir. I’ve gotten rid of 3-4 titleless shells.


:word: I have gotten rid of 2 cars without a title. Junkyards don’t care.

speaking of no title theirs an 89 crx in my yard $200 takes it

News flash - theres numbers all over vehicles built since 72, not obvious ones but they are there… you can call a scrap yard as long as it’s over 10 years old and worth less than 750(or 1200?? think it changed) and do abandon vehicle paper work. its either am mv35 or mv37.