These people that come on our site only to sell SR’s and conversions and what not. I think they should pay for the bandwidth they use. The don’t contribute to the club and I rarely see anyone buy from them.
I think all people that pose as vendors and don’t contribute to this club should pay a fee to post their add. Maybe have a vendor section.
This is in regards to people like heaw and JDMRICE among others…
I think that if we set it up so that the vendor had to pay a small fee/percentage of sales to adverstise/sell products, both the club and the vendors could benefit.
Sounds good but how are we going to imply this?[/quote]
Start a new forum section called Vendors. I’ve seen it on other sites. We put an attention sticky in buy/sell that gives the rules(one is already there right now). One of the outlined rules is directed towards vendors and states their posts will be deleted if small fee is not payed.
Just a suggestion, but I think it would help out the club as well as vendors. Like Dnash stated above.
let them know that there is a fee to be payed if they want to advertise their product on son. and if they dont pay a small fee, then simply delete the thread.
If you want to start charging vendors, I think you should offer them something more than just the ability to post and sell to a bunch of kids - only a very few of which have money to spend anyways… maybe some small banner ads, or a side frame like on NICO.
I agree that they should pay, and a banner is a good idea. What would the charge be?
Will you charge by item, month, and posts? If you charge by month they might fill up the forum with crap. You’re going to have to make guidelines.
I think people should use our buy/sell forum freely. You’ll never be able to enforce anything, you’ll never be able to prove that a product has infact been sold to one of our members.
In my opinion they DO contribute to the board, they provide often cheap/quality parts to forum users which is very important to keep their cars running.
Andrew, no one is stopping you from buying engines from japan, importing them, and selling them to our members. Besides, those who bought engines and what not from other members are now happier. And happy users will always read this board and they themselves will contribute.
I’m talking about vendors as in people that contribute zero to our club and boards. All they do is post for the sole purpose of selling stuff in buy/sell.
Looking at you and Bob, you guys are technically a Vendor, but you are paying members and contribute to this forum/club/community. People like you guys wouldn’t pay. As an example.
Andrew, you misunderstood my point. If you look at the buy/sell forum right now, you will notice that it’s BOOMING. There are so many new topics posted daily, and this will help our site generate more traffic, and more awareness and should bring in more paying members.
As a sidenote, what is to prevent a vendor in a “vendor forum” from PMing with details of a sale to get around paying the club? There are too many ways and too many shady people out there to enforce this properly. I agree with the banner idea and just let the Buy/Sell go on as-is.