Verizon Cell Phone

I have had the voager for some time now and I am looking to get something different. Basically just no touch screen phones, kind of sick of them lol. Maybe somewhere along the lines of a Q, a phone that has more possiblities but not a black berry because I do not have the data plan. Please let me know what you have. Thanks

I’ve got a flip BlackBerry pearl available. used 3 days. mint.

looks nice, but im not looking to spend that much. thanks tho

Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m almost 100% postitive that you need a data plan for a Q or any other smartphone

You can have my old phone super cheap hun. I dont even know what it is though haha


not true
all blackberries require a data plan
any other smart phone does not aslong as it was produced before i believe september 2008

I hadn’t heard of that before, i thought any and all smartphones required it now…

if you pm Geehee he has inside connection that you can get around it though :tup:

thanks man, yea i used to work at verizon lol so i know many people and how to get around it but with blackberries you cant get around it

^ :tup: to geehee…

hes the man.

I have a q9m I’m looking to get rid of. Used. But in good condition. Let it go for 50. Pm me if interested

pm sent