Techies, school me on phones

Looking for a phone on VZW network.

Would love it to have some sort of word processing and some decent memory for that.

Internet access(not just email) is a must

Blackberry plans turn me off because of the 30dollar compulsory data plan PLUS whatever else you want

What are my options? Im thinking a Palm Treo but have no idea which model or if thats a poor choice.

Anecdotal experience with these would be nice input


any verizon smartphone requires a data plan. If you want quality web browsing, email, and word processing your hands are tied.


Wow that was fast, thanks

And for those who are super fast off the top of their head, I don’t want to spend more than 100ish a month on the plan

htc touch pro.

Cool. So don’t?

:picard: Any PDA or blackberry will do what you want, they all require data, and Verizon’s website is a much better website than NYSpeed for looking up what their plans cost.

leave VZW, get iPhone

if you can’t then a BB 8xxx series


I figured since there were dedicated Blackberry and Iphone threads on a local forum(and since you may or may not be aware of differences from one zip code to another) it made sense to ask people who may know a bit more about the ease of use and options and experience compared to verizon website, hence the “Anecdotal experience with these would be nice input” in the beginning

Thanks for your extraordinary input, options I suppose was the key word.

Ieatpaint- I looked into that phone and it looks like it can do anything, thanks

Less than 100/mo without any type of discount for Verizon is kind of hard.

I personally can’t imagine switching to any other phone than a BB again.

it can, i’ve got the sprint version. will be your new best friend.

OK then here, I’ll spoon feed you one bit you could have found on VZW’s website: ALL PDA phones require a data plan now, so that is not a factor when considering blackberry vs any other phone that can go on the internet and do word processing.

If you can be a bit more specific regarding what you would like to know then you might get better answers than “XXX is my favorite phone!”