verizon droid

So far I love it… Still getting use to it though…

Nice thanks for the info!

Cool. I dont want to switch to AT&T or else I’d already have an iPhone. My music stuff stays separate on the iPod, so no probs there.

if that’s the case you should def buy it… I didn’t want to leave Verizon either and have 2 ipods so figured why not.

how much is it. i was due for a upgrade months ago.

Require any special plan?

$199 with 2yr contract. 450 voice + email/web = $70/month

ill have to run down and buy one. theres no way its 199 with a ugrade. if so im on it!

it’s $299 then you get a $100 rebate debit card for an upgrade and a new activation

I am on the fence I don’t know if I want to spend the extra $30 a month for the data plan. I did go and check it out though it’s a sweet ass phone.

Nope forget it. :lol i knew it was gunna have that gay added plan.

jeff man up dude! join the 21st century. it is the way every thing is going, soon enough you will have to have “gay added plan” on every phone. lol.

its ok i have an ipod touch for all those “apps”

I only use my phone for texting and callling anyways.

I played around with one lastnight that my buddy got. Its pretty cool but nothing id be intrested in. iPhone fo life.

I was going to post the exact same thing as I was scrolling down :lol

My first impressions after playing with my friends for a cool minute.

*Woah resolution - much better
*Screen a little too narrow, an issue in landscape mode IMO
*Keyboard I would have to say is a plus
*Laggy screen
*No pinch to zoom
*Loads the entire page instead of sections like the iPhone
*No vast accessories support like iPhone
*Screen feels good
*Not as intuitive as iPhone or doesn’t feel like as good a package overall
*Best non iPhone phone

i gfot one…it was 299 with 100 rebate plus they dropped 50 more off for early upgrade…i paid 150 for it

I got the droid yesterday and absolutly love it, its much different than the iphone in many ways but for me its in better ways. Not as out of the box intuitive but many more options for customization.

Also you can download apps like ringdroid to help you make custom ring tones from songs. I have yet to put any music on my phone though, just using Pandora.

Edit: size wise its almost exactly the same as Iphone.

Agree 100% Vlad!!

Still getting used to mine. I’m still typing on the keyboard like it was a Blackberry and the result is borderline unreadable.

I guess iPhone users are on the same page about the droid matter.

It’s a fantastic phone, but it doesn’t have anything so revolutionary, spectacular or mind blowing that would make me regret the purchase of the iPhone, or even really want to go after a droid.

I know, if I started using a droid right now, I’d miss some of the fine tune features that iPhone spoiled me on.

Plus after 4 years with them, I hate Verizon, even if it does have the best damn coverage.

Let me put it this way, if iPhone didn’t exist I’d be using a Droid right now.

…and if AT&T had reliable coverage where I live and work, I’d have an iPhone.

Yes coverage is an issue with AT&T definitely.

While I’ll have service in 99% of areas I frequent, 3G is skimpy at places and I’m afraid that I may end up living where there is no 3G available.

Hopefully they’ll improve on that.

What features of the iphone would you miss vlad? The keyboard deff takes getting used to but now after just a day I can type almost as fast and effortlessly as I could on the envy, far faster than I can on the iphone even after months of tinkering with my gfs.