verizon droid

How nearly flawless the overall the package is.

And if something starts bothering me enough, jail breaking will most likely fix any nuisance.

But I know if I went with droid, no pinch to zoom and the window panning would make me want to kill myself. Droid is a good product, but it’s much less refined than iPhone. Apple is known for refining their products to the max and they had plenty of years to do so with the iPhone.

You really found that minor minor jaggedness of screen movement to be a huge thing didn’t you. I didn’t even notice it 'till youj said something and even now don’t see it unless I’m looking for it, and it’d no where near the level of being bothersome, to me at least.

To the zoom, the need to doublr tap tp zoom is kinda annoying but I don’t find pinching to be perfect either, admittedly it is better than double tapping but its horrible to try one handed. The quality of the screen really reduces the need to zoom compared to the iphone as well. Side by side the droid makes thr otherwise great iphone screen look dull and fuzzy.

Edit double post.

Just like I doubled posted here I have been sending double texts somtimes with the droid, unsure at this point if its my own error or something wrong with the phone. Anyone else having the same issue?

Anyone know how to disable the need for the unlock slider thing? Every time I want to use the phone it has to be woken up and then unlocked, gets tedious.

iPhone FTW

I pre-ordered mine at BB an the mail-in rebate was waived. I got a $100 BB gift card so it was around $100 out-the-door for me + the clear shield I got for the phone.

I absolutely love it too! don’t even need to put music in once you have Pandora, Slacker and LastFM installed.

I too don’t think there is enough in the phone for iphone owner to switch, not to mention switching carrier. However, IMO, Driod is the best iPhone alternative.

Menu>Setting>Location&Security - uncheck “require pattern”

It’s not checked. I tried the pattern thing but disabled it.

I mean the green circle you have to drag clockwise to get into the phone. Anyone?

Here is a bunch of apps I installed that I found useful, free and works well with Android 2.0 OS:

  • 1Cast
  • Advanced Task Killer Free
  • AndroZip
  • Any Cut
  • Barcode Scanner
  • Bubble
  • Cnn
  • Flashlight
  • GameBoid Lite
  • Google Voice
  • gTranslate
  • My Tracks
  • My Verizon
  • OffiViwer
  • Pandora
  • Share By QRCode
  • Sheriff Android Lite
  • SilentMode OnOff
  • Skype
  • Slacker
  • Sticky Note
  • The Weather Channel
  • Tip Calc
  • Traffic Cams
  • TTS Service Extender
  • Ultimate Stopwatch
  • Unit Converter
  • WiFinder

That’s the screen lock so you won’t accidentlly launch apps when you handle the phone, don’t think you can disable it.

Try double tapping the screen instead of sliding the button…

UPDATE: There is a app you can buy to disable the keyguard called “Keyguard Disabler”, NOT sure if it will work in Android 2.0.

Gotcha, thanks. I’d settle for being able to wake it up with a touch instead of the power button, then doing the slider. One or the other, just not both.

rocket you should try out beautiful widget, its like a dollar and well worth it. Includes widgets for turning the phone put it on vibrate, turn on wifi and blutooth as well as a really nice clock and weather thing in one.

Any widgets worth mentioning?

Nothing worth mentioning.

There are a few apps that I want but don’t want to pay for it and apps I want like the official F1 app but is not avaliable for android.

It’s good to see an open source software platform link up with Verizon like this. When this hits AT&T and I think it’s already on Sprint (HTC Hero), you’ll have so many apps and mods available it will be nuts. The open source community is amazing and Apple is going to have a hard time keeping up. WIN!

Ditto. Have you used the F1 app for the iPhone? I’d be interested in the latest news, but only if you could opt out of race/quali results. I already stay off the internet on Sunday mornings, I dont need spoilers on my phone too. :lol

ok so i have sprint right now. My contract is up in like Feb. So should i get the iPhone or the Droid? Service on both verizon and AT&T owns sprint any day at my house. I do like to use the internet, and i don’t really care about music. I have an iPod, and if i went to the iPhone would probably sell it (the ipod). So which should i get?



iPhone if you dont need a real business phone and dont mind the network.

word. i def not need a business phone. And the service can’t be any worse than Sprint service in the fulton/northern saratoga county region.

Same here. I only watch live on afternoon and night races, and I DVR all the morning races and watch those as soon as I got up. The iPhone app is uber cool during live races.

I found an app called “Keyguard Disabler” which might do what you want, but it cost $1.49.

If you like using the iTune infrastructure and do buy music with it, then get the iPhone. However, able to run multiple apps at the same time is very useful, not to mention once you have the internet in your palm, you will be surfing the net and not listen to music…:rofl