Motorola Droid or wait?

I am looking to possibly upgrade my Verizon phone/plan to the Motorola Droid. My question is should I upgrade now or wait for an even better/more advanced phone to come out?

Mods- If this should be located in the “Nerds” forum please feel free to move it.


If you can, wait a month or two. They’ve got something else coming out relatively soon (I forget what it’s called.) Don’t get me wrong, I love my droid but there are a few problems I have with it that I’m sure would drive people absolutely nuts.

I heard that there is a upgrade for the droid coming out in February to help remove the bugs the droid has

I have had my droid for almost 3 weeks now. The only problem I have is when I delete some of my hotmail emails, it resends them. But besides that I LOVE it. I had the Blackberry Tour before I got this one.

there is a new phone comming out the nexxus one. the processor is faster and looks to be the leader for droid phones. im waiting for it myself

better screen, faster and you can get it outside of a contract. Nexus one is what I am waiting for I think.

there will always be something better/faster/cooler coming out.

remember that early adapters normally go through a bit of bugs…

They are continuing to release major updates for the droid. Actually, I believe that Motorola is trying to push 2.1 out before the Nexus One comes out. For those who don’t know, 2.1 is the EXACT same software the Nexus One is running. So the Droid will essentially be the same phone, sans some internal differences and the obvious physical differences.

this. I like my droid. I spent some time with an eris without a physical keyboard and I do prefer having one now. Comes down to form factor mostly between droid an n1.

I would get the HTC before i would get the Motorola if you want the android software.


i got the droid last friday. it rules.


Im fucking dying for the google netbook to come out before i decide to buy a new one. Also The tablet may be cool.

I’m in the same boat as the OP. I can get a new phone at the end of this month, I also was looking into getting the droid. Than I hear about AT&T’s contract ending with Apple and half way into the year Verizon could possibly be getting the iPhone as well.

I also dont care, iphone > droid :gay3:

EDIT: Hold on, checking my facts…

if you don’t care, don’t post

the OP likely doesn’t have the ability or desire to switch carriers

why can i see this never happening? verizon has made multiple commercials taking stabs at the apple iphone

are you retarded? i didnt say anything to the OP about switching carriers, i said i would get the HTC over that motorola garbage. you called me clueless for choosing HTC and i said i didnt care. What i do know is that every motorola phone i have ever owned was a piece of shit and also heard good things about HTC. At the end I proceeded to through an iphone jab in there. so STFU

half-way through the year is 6 months. Couple that with the fact that it’s still just a rumor and you get a shitty chance at this happening.

If you get the droid now, you have 1 year until your next upgrade. If the iphone is out then you can buy it at that time. You would just have to wait 6 months to get it. Not so bad imo