evidently there’s too many homosexuals/hillbillies to turn a profit :wtcslap:
Install went very smooth. The tech. was very knowledgable and plesant. Speeds are killer for the price as well. The only thing I don’t like about the service is the Actiontec Router. The wireless performance on the unit are less then up to par. I attempted to use my Linksys WRT54GX router, but it was not syncing up to the modem. I had to disable the wireless settings on the Actiontec, plug the WRT54GX in, do some IP address changing, and I was back up to full speed. Anywhere in my house I can now get a constant 15/1.8.
I have a question for the FIOS experts…I had this installed a month or 2 ago and I was very pleased with everything. Lately it has quit worked fairly often and seems to be slowed down when it does work. Is there a problem with the system or is it my PC. If it is my PC then why did it work fine for so long? I run my spyware protection about once every week. Any clues…please note it has been almost a year since I looked at porn…haha
Ask any FIOS tech and he’ll tell you, the FIOS speed is limited only by the customers PC. He and I were rofling over installation stories of Pentium Me boxes w/ 64m ram in which case the network connection is much faster than the computer can load internet pages.
So if it is my PC…any ideas how to “fix” it?
what are the specs on your pc? processor speed, ram, etc…
Its about 2 years old…I forget the specs I will have to check when i get homw…I think the processir speed is a gig or 2, ram was 528 or something…I would have to check. There are times when everything seems slow on my PC…like if I am trying to open any programs
run a defrag and if that doesn’t help, add more ram. If it’s still slow, throw it away and get a new one.
If i defrag it wont I lose everything on it including all the programs i installed?
a defrag just rearranges shit on your hd so windows can get to it faster. I have seen it help on a few machines, but not many. If it was never done and you have a bigger hd, it could take a few hours to complete.
ahh…so how do I defrag?
windows key + R
type cmd press enter
type defrag c: press enter
i don’t see that helping your problem btw.
I’ll try it anyways…I am sure it needs to be done…can you think of anything for my problem?
nope. are you running wirelessly or hardwired? what kinda speed tests are you getting? myspeed.visualware.com
I am at work now…when I get home I will go there and let you know…the thing is sometimes it is fine…but others it is terrible…and it seems to be more often now