My mom is on a plan with 2 other family members. Only one of the phones has the grandfathered in unlimited data since its a smart phone and has been one, the other two have been normal phones.
If my mom were to get a new android phone, would the whole plan have to go to a restricted data plan or do they have unlimited data family plans that she can be added to?
Also, how much is 4G rolled out? I know for ATT, I wouldn’t not buy a phone because its not 4G since its not as big yet but what about Verizon? Without unlimited data, I just don’t see it being a huge selling point.
Lastly, what is your opinion on these phones. Things considered is it is for my mom who has never had a smartphone.
The 4G rollout is covering a pretty large area, I would definitely go with a 4G device. No the whole plan would not be forced into anything. She would have to add data to that line only, and it will likely have to be a tiered option.
Verizon is supposedly in the works for putting together a plan to allow for shared data, but it’s not an option at the moment.
As far as devices go, I would recommend the Galaxy Nexus, Droid Razr (maxx), droid 4, htc rezound.
Verizon has 4gbs for 30 a month. I pay 30 a month for unlimited but rarely even use 2. I don’t think a mom would have to worry much about using more than 4. You can also have her use wifi when possible if worried about it.
My sister has an unlimited plan she was grandfathered in on and is the only one with a data plan. My mom will be getting a data plan adn wasn’t sure if there was a unlimited family data plan like ATT has or if each phone needed its own data plan which in this case, she would need to have a 2GB one.
you are grandfathered in (and now they are throttling anything over 3gb) LINK
I would be very surprised if they moved you to a plan that doesnt exist currently for smartphones (at least I cannot find anything on it published) but it sounds like a great deal.