Verizon Wireless Unlimited Data ??

I’ve been with Verizon for…well since as long as I can remember, and I was thinking about upgrading my device. We’re now past the old days where a new phone every two years was pretty much the rule and now I have to pony up for a “new” phone, which is going to cost me unless I want one no one else wants anyway. The catch is this.

Years ago I got in touch with a business rep and he really took care of me with regards to my plan, and costs. When unlimited data plans started to be phased out, I was concerned and he told me I was “grandfathered” in and would have nothing to worry about. When I went to my usual retail outlet, they told me I would have to cancel my current plan and my unlimited data would be a thing of the past. The new plan would give me up to 2GB of data. Since it’s never been an issue, here’s my question(s).

  1. How much data is 2GB exactly, and I don’t mean in the bits and bytes terminology? I don’t watch TV or download movies on my phone. I only use it for calls, texting, and internet but I do use the internet quite frequently. What determines what is “data”? Is it by anything sent / received from my phone (pics, files, etc.) or what? My work calendar and work email are also updated / linked to my phone.

  2. Should I even really be concerned about this? I am the only user on my four phone plan that would really have an impact on this. My wife just surfs the net, my buddy only has texting with no smart phone so he likes to send me porn and idiocy once in a while, and my mother still had an LG flip phone, and she’s lucky to be able to figure out how to use that.

I’ve located a business rep. through my Verizon business website and hope he gets back to me. Maybe I’m putting too much into this and maybe the new plan would be even less expensive than the one I’m on. I just don’t want to open up a cell bill for $ 1,500.00 one day because I got out of my unlimited plan and didn’t realize what I was in for.

Generally your bill well tell you how much data you use…

You should be able to use the last few months to determine average usage

pm me and i can help

what kind of business do you have?

Is anyone else on your plan? I have unlimited data and for the past couple years I’ve just transferred my upgrade to a family member and activated the phone on their line. 24 hrs later we’d transfer the phone to me and my unlimited data remains intact.

When I talked to a verizon rep last week and asked about losing my unlimited data, he said that when you switch to a new plan from unlimited, they give you 6 GB…I have been contemplating doing this as well, but im just not ready to give up my plan just yet…l

Yep, this is what they did for me last year when I upgraded.

Also, if you’re worried about losing your unlimited data, do what Baker is saying, but you can add an additional line for 9.99 per month, buy new phone at promotional price, then 24 hours later switch said lines and activate an old flip phone w/o data and only pay $9.99 per month for 2 years. You can use it as a home phone line if you don’t have one already or give it to someone in the family.

This the route I have been looking to go, especially since I have an old iPhone 4s that they will give me $200 for and I can essentially get the new iphone for free and only pay the $9.99 per month for 2 years and have the 2nd line.

I had to upgrade to 5 gb a month and I come close to using That. Mostly because I forget to turn my WiFi back on.

My wife and I both share a 6gb plan, and the only time we got anywhere close was when I was traveling a lot for work before I got a work phone. We’re going to drop down to the 4gb plan just to keep us some buffer, but on average between the 2 of us we run ~1.5.-1.75 gigs a month.

Unless you’re streaming videos/music all the time, using it as a Wireless Access Point for your Ipad or Laptop, or doing heavy file transfers you should be fine with any of their normal plans. Look at your bills for the past year and figure out what your normal monthly usage is, then pick a data plan you feel comfortable with. We went to the “next” larger one because we wanted the buffer; in reality we could comfortably get along with the 2GB plan.

I dont think anyone can really answer this but you because we dont know how much data you go through. your bill however like LZ said will show you how much data you use. If you dont do any streaming/doanloading of any kind and truly only surf the web then 2gb will probably be enough

Thanks. Working on this. Just a little put off that they’re phasing out loyal customers this way.

do you really expect anything less from verizon?

they made it that the only way you can keep unlimited is if you buy the phone outright meaning the full retail price

Some good news. Saxon has stepped in (which I am thankful for) and perhaps I / we can find some reasonable solution to this situation. I’ll post up results… as long as it doesn’t get him in hot water.

you get the phones yet :slight_smile:

FedEx claims sometime tomorrow. I hope they won’t require a signature cause I won’t be home till evening.

Usually do, place a hold on it and pick up at fedex office by airport.

Yea signature is always required

Or leave a signed post it note asking to leave it (depends on your driver if they’ll leave or not"

UPS takes a note. We’ll see about FedEx.

@Saxon what store are you at? I am currently in the same predicament and would like to upgrade but have held off the past two years due to the unlimited data