Verizon texting currently down?

mines still not working

i got 2 texts from one person at the same time…about 10 minutes ago. it’s down again though. grr


Does anyone know the carrier the “sent” texts originated from? It’s very common for ATT and TM’s networks to be “tied up”, where as VZW to VZW text will be fine.

GSM-CDMA is not always a timely transfer…

yeah mines down again. still not receiving or sending messages.

i got like six texts at like 235ish… stored from earlier… working now i guess

I friend of mine sent me bunch of texts from her phone and I still haven’t received them…

I have AT&T

Mine still isn’t working right. I haven’t received anyones but people are getting mine.

I have Verizon

Mine and my friend in ROC are not getting them.

well that would explain why I replied to txts last night and got

“?” “So you’re ignoring me now”

as answers

lol tell me about it… it got me in trouble

looks like its all over the place, right after I posted that mine was working I stopped receiving from verizon phones, though I can receive website txts, bank txts, and txts from my friends sprint phone

I’ve been getting texts on my Verizon phone all morning…


My phone just blew up with a ton of texts.

mine is working again as far as i know. Turns out it wasn’t just verizon, it was all major carriers across the whole country. No real info floating around that i can find though…

i didnt have any problems

I haven’t received any texts from anyone with Verizon in the last 14+ hours. I just called my provider (T-Mobile) and they’ve had no outages, but have had customers call in about not receiving messages from Verizon phones. AT&T seems to be working fine, and Verizon -> Verizon apparently works, but something is definitely wrong between Verizon and the rest of the world.

i havent got any texts from verizon users.(im at&t) its pissing me the fuck off. if they come threw im going to have like 200 to read. i havent gotten any in at least 16 hours! WTF!!!

prob why i stopped getting texts too lol :meh:

mine isnt sending anything to a certain sprint user but my other friend who has sprint can still get them, i can recieve messages from both though and this is still happening

HOLY SHIT… I just got 20 txt messages at once… all from the last few days, lol.