verizon wireless card driver

I just got a laptop for my mall store at work and it only uses verizon wireless card to get online. I used to bring my laptop to work and just hook to the internet though ethernet. Do i need a driver for the wireless card to work in my laptop the card is a v620

no wifi?

hold on i’ll find the drivers

thanks evlove, good thing I wrote the markered in number from the back of the pc card, because you needed a 10 digit verizon phone number hahaha

for some reason on the setup of verizon i cant get it to detect any PC card i keep getting an error 633. saying my com port might already be in use.

unplug the card before installing.

also try :

ok everything is installed but in order to finish the installation you need to plug the card in. when i got to network connections it brings up the pc card and when i try to enable it, thats when I get the error report

Do you have a modem also?

You might have to disable com2 in your bios.

No i do not. i dont have the modem drive installed i dont think. i just go home to my wireless router and call it a day, but for these lone 11hr shift i need something better than my work laptop

:tup: to hypeville and the direct line to tech support helped me out…