Vertigo Symptoms?

The past few days I have been experiencing symptoms that I could best describe as ‘vertigo’ type symptoms.

I have some sinus issues I have been dealing with the past few years and I’m good for a hand full of sinus infections a year, if not more. The past couple days I have been feeling rather uncoordinated and dizzy, almost as if my head was detached from my body.

After going to the doc it turns out I have a pretty bad sinus infection and possibly an inner ear infection causing the symptoms described.

Has anybody ever experienced something like this? This is the first time for me and it’s rather odd and almost a bit debilitating.


vertigo = fancy word for dizzy. So, yes you’re dizzy. Congrats.

Your sense of balance comes from your inner ear (see: vestibular system), so when your infection is gone you won’t feel so dizzy.

Can you drink to compensate?

word… dizzy it is, and congrats to me. I guess it was just a fancy word someone told me.

It was rather alarming considering this is the first time I have felt this way. I actually peace’d out of hockey early this past weekend which is very rare for me. LOL it felt like I was skating and my head was detached and watching from above…fucking WIERD

has anyone else experienced anything similar?

lol I remember almost falling down once. I had a sinus cold, which always gets my ears plugged up so I tried to open my eustachean tubes to equalize pressure by plugging my nose and blowing, but got too much pressure stuck in one and got really fucking dizzy until it equalized.

My wife’s a speech pathologist, which as part of their schooling they learn the biology of the ear, so I managed to pick up a little bit of it. If you have uneven pressure on either side of your ear drum it fucks with your sense of balance because your inner ear thinks you’re moving when you’re not. You can open your eustachean tube to equalize. When you’re on an airplane or something and hear a pop, that’s your eustachean tube opening and equalizing pressure with your ear.

go to a specialist. i was experiencing the same things that you are. it turns out that 4 out of 6 of my sinus passages grew shut. i went for the surgery (nasal roto rootering) and haven’t looked back since. the surgery even helped out with my allergies. they are not half as severe as they used to be. shoot me a pm if you want more details

yeah pressure on your inner ear causes vertigo, sadly they normally perscribe you sea sickness medacine for the vertigo, and something like cephlexin for the inner ear infection.

Thanks man I might be in touch soon. I scheduled an appointment with an ENT (ear/nose/throat) specialist and I am on the antibiotics for yet another infection.

I had the allergy test last year, and they also mentioned the fact I have a deviated septum which can also add to allergy/sinus symptoms.

I’m at the point now where I am willing to do just about anything to make this shit go away.