cherrish what you have to today because tomorow you might not have it.

well, its been a tough few days for me and im extremely stressed out. I had a little scare and its got me thinking alot about life in general. it all started on saturday evening while driving in my truck. I heard a couple pops in my left ear like an elevation change. So i ignored it and figured it was just another random wax buildup or maybe fluid in the ear. well as a couple days gone by my ear worsened. However i had zero pain whatsoever.

after about day 3-4 i had lost complete hearing in my left ear and went to see a specialist. well, turns out i had one of 3 things going on.

i was getting a numbing sensation around the left side of my face and a little trouble moving. so there was a possibility i was having a stroke. Next there could have been a tumer (spell?) in my ear which caused the defness which would result in zero hearing back.
the third was a inside ear viral infection which i might get some hearing back but unlikely since i had waited too long.

So i immediately went for a catscan and head mri’s done of my brain and ear. Also i noticed that the hearing in my right ear is starting to get funny as well so now i was realy freekin out. went back to the doctors and had another hearing test done today and they say my right ear has zero loss so far and that the chances of the same thing happeneing in the right ear are 1in a million.

so today i got the test results back and found out some good and bad news. i do not have a tumer and i was not having a stroke. all of which left me with the last solution.

i had a viral infection of some sort. soo im on steroids and antiviral pills and some xanax to help me relax. hopefully the steroids will help me regain some hearing in the left ear and prevent anything from happening to my right ear as well but now its just a waiting game at this point. hopefully i can regain some hearing but this has been realy hard to cope with.

so people please, enjoy what you have and be greatfull because in a blink of an eye it could be gone.

im just happy i have my beautiful/loving wife helping me through these hard changes.

shit man, glad to hear its not anything worse, but i hear ya on enjoy what we got. hope you get better man

Damn, sorry to hear man, all the best.

best of luck through this. glad you caught it when you did…what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

When i worked at derrick i got a viral infection of some sort and they put me on the same meds but mine was on my skin, so becareful cuz maybe thats where it came from, just a thought, also i never had another problem after i left there

sounds like you should be alright with some medication, and thats good to hear :tup:

glad to hear you’re alright…

god, john glad to hear everything turned out ok…

fuck man reading those first few paragraphs i was freaking out

glad your ok, my aunt just had a stroke it is really hard on everyone so be glad you didnt.

man, that sucks! around this time last year, I had some wicked infection in my throat that got into my ear and sinuses, and for like 3 days it felt like someone was pounding a railroad spike into my ear, it was the worst! best of luck to you!

my dad had an inner ear infection and works at derrick as well.

wow john thats crazy, its good to know your alright but its def good news it wasnt more serious than it alrdy is. ill send some good thoughts your way buddy.

you guys are brutal.

i’m glad you are OK john. You’re way to manly to let some shitty virus fuck you up.

Also… this is probably all my fault… remember a certain thunderbomb going off in a certain ear?

but really… think it could be from when you hit your ear in steve’s pool?

oof. i don’t know you, but i’m glad you’re ok. my dad had a stroke about 9 years ago and his doctor at the time kept telling him it was an inner ear infection, well it wasn’t. needless to say, it was pretty rough for a while.

damn john that’s crazy. glad you’re alright though, just yell at that pussy ear infection and i’m sure it’ll go away :wink:

Uggh scary shit. Glad it wound up to be the lesser of the 3 evils. Smart man to go to the doctor THEN make a thread about it.

Glad your gonna be ok John.

I’m not soo sure steroids/you are a good combination…think incredible hulk :stuck_out_tongue: You wouldn’t like me when I’m mad :P…I can’t picture you having a stroke either…any day…that’s impossible. A couple of guys like us are the most laid back people EVER.

<3 u

lol, thanks for all the kind words guys. i realy appreciate it. we have been doing alot of praying for my hearing to come back so maybe with the power of prayer and modern medicaine i will be able to recover some of my hearing back. im trying to stay optamistic but its kinda hard at times. well, i still have one good ear and im gunna try my best to take care of it.

newman, i dont think it had anything to do with loud noises. i think this was just a freak inner ear virus thing. normaly with loud noises the hearing loss is almost instant. but ive had great hearing and passed my derrick hearing test last dec. with flying colors. so this is kinda outta the blue. im just praying some of my hearing will come back. the constant ringing is driving me nuts.

damn john…

glad you’re ok though :tup:

hang in there bud.

fuck jonnny,that sucks so me and we can do man shit