Very cheap starter bike

I want to learn to ride. I want a REALLY cheap bike to learn on. I don’t care if it’s salvage or has missing body parts. It must start, run, and stop, be perfect mechanically and have good tires.

I don’t care if it’s salvage.

This is more of a feeler, as I’m finishing a big project at the moment.i I can get a cheap salvage bike to do this easily, but I’ll gladly help someone help me.

Not looking for a anyhing over $1k

you didn’t specify if you wanted a motorcycle or just a bike



^im assuming this needs very little work

You sure? With those miles that pike is worth a lot more than that in decent shape. Is it a total POS? Might be interested myself.

LOL 2005-2007 ninja 250s go for 1500$, im sure hes serious, the 2001 model looks like an abortion, they all do up until recently

$1500 is not $1000, and decent ones don’t go for that. I’ve been browsing for quite awhile now. As for the look, that’s your opinion and I’m not interested in it, thanks! :slight_smile:

Looks like it would be mid 80’s Honda or Suzuki.

Found out motorcycle classes provide the bike.

i have a 1999 suzuki gs500 with 15,000 with a broken turn signal and the carbs need to be only runs with the choke on.

asking 900 at this point in time,shoot me a offer