Vet recommendations in the city?

Who’s got a good reccomendation on a vet to go to in the city? Or stay away from?

Dog is a pitbull if it matters. She’s spayed and has her rabies shots, but I need to get distemperment and heartworm treatment…

Northtown Animal Hospital? It’s on the Blvd close to Kenmore Ave.

Not totally in the city, but somewhat close to your place.

[sarcasm]You should do like my wife makes me do and drive 45 minutes to go to a vet with a fancy office![/sarcasm]

My wife and mother in law swear by Thorne Ave in Orchard Park. I live in Grand Island. Thorne Ave is fine and I have no problems with them but I swear we only go there because they’ve got a big professional office that feels like a people doctor. We’d been going to Animal Kingdom on Grand Island for years and I’ve never had a problem with them. Plus the office is nothing but cute chicks. Oh.

Honestly, I’d go where ever is local to get your maintenance stuff (heartworm, etc) and keep the phone number for a good after hours emergency vet handy. Brighton Eggert is good and has extended hours. If they’re not open then I’d go to Animal emergency care on Kensington just off of Main by the 290.

My animals are really really good at only getting really sick between 5pm Friday and 8am Monday. Fuckers.

I used to go to Northtown Animal Hospital and always felt the up-selling pressure from the vets. Always tried to do unnecessary tests and shit like that. :tdown:

I now go to McClelland small animal hospital. It’s on Ellicott between Tupper and Chippewa. Great people, haven’t felt any up-selling pressure, and don’t pump money into a bullshit extravagant waiting room. Just started going there recently and so far so good. :tup:

I HATE when they do unnecessary shit. I went to one once that tested the dog for heartworms, then went ahead and gave him medication to blast out any potential heartworms…for the tune of an extra $50. Why the fuck would you test for something AND treat for it at the same time. AAHHHHHHHHHHH LOUD NOISES VETS PISS ME OFF

Anyone use City creatures on deleware? I think the GF just booked an appt there for next week. LZ said the rescue his pits came from uses them.

This is where The Dude and Zooey Murerface go.

I have been taking my dog to, Green Acres on NFB across from Home Depot.

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------

Grand Island Small Animal Hospital is quite good too they are off Whitehaven, they are part of a group that includes Green Acres in Amherst. Prior to the Amherst location having a 24hr emergency clinic, I took my dog there when got her messed up bad in a fence, took excellent care of her. Happened to be my vet from Amherst location on duty that day too.

This place got us in relatively soon and was the cheapest by a good amount :tup: