Pet Crew - Veterinarians

I realized today that there is no real reference on here for Vets, considering how many doggah & kittah threads there are, I’m kind of surprised.

That being said, I figured I’d throw out a couple of reviews.

Green Acres Animal Hospital - 2060 Niagara Falls Blvd 14150.

We’ve used this place for the last 5 years - which includes out 90# shepard, 10# shiterrier, two male cats, one female cat, and a mouse.
The only compliant that I have is they are almost always booked a few days out when it comes to regular apponitments. If something is wrong, or an animal is sick, they’ve always managed to get us in within 48 hours though.

Two male cats were fixed & declawed there and they were both 100% within a couple of DAYs (laser surgery option $75 per).
Our shepard was spayed there, and she didn’t have any problems at all. Note - she is a very active dog.
The little dog is there for the puppy package (shots, checkup, flea preventative, & spay) today.
Over the years we’ve taken two of the cats & the mouse in there for non routine visits, and they were always able to take us by the next day.
They also took care of a kitten of ours after another vet hacked her up.

Last year the two male cats & the mouse were in a house fire - we thought it best to take them to the vet to get checked out. They took us immediatly when we walked in, kept the animals (boarding) for ~10 days, and gave them a ton of medical attention. One of em had some pulmonary adema, so he got IV fluids etc., and they all got antibiotics.
We ended up spending ~$1100 on all of that. While I accepted the bill (rather then have one of them ill and/or die, and then deal with the wife), the head doc talked to me about the bill, she suggested to me that they use the “Emergency Fund” to help us out - its a national fund that a number of vet offices contribute a percentage to. We didn’t need the help, but we used what was available to us anyways (as we had other concerns at that moment) which was ~$400. We donated $600 back about a month later.

Currently our 7 mo old shiterrier is there for spay & puppy package. Well, we tried taking her in on this past Friday afternoon… when my wife got there she was told that two emergencies had come in and very politely recheduled her to come back last night, Monday.
When she went in last night (~10 minutes early), there were 2 people waiting and an emergency got carried in on no notice.
A few minutes later the tech talked to my wife - for all the inconvenience they fit the checkup & spay procedure in for today. Then they started going above & beyond…
We got two months of advantage for the two cats + the big dog + the little dog, as well as two months of heartworm preventative for the dogs, and an overnight boarding for the little dog… FREE.

Elmwood Small Animal Hospital - 2235 Elmwood Ave 14216.

We took a kitten there ~5 yrs ago for spay, declaw, shots, and checkup. My family had always had cats, and they were always fixed & declawed. Well, after ESAH worked on our kitten, she came out in a rather bad way. Infected incision, infected paws, and generally in alot of pain. After 3 post op visits that resulted in nothing more then “she’ll be fine”… I would NEVER recommend them to anyone, for anything. I wouldn’t even let them put an animal to sleep if it came down to it. The “vet” seems like a guy that got his license online…

Orchard Park Animal Hospital

Took my kitten there back in the day, Now my parents have been taking him there ever since, great place, prices are a hell of alot cheaper than georgetown and the service and personal cannot be beat. Wellness plan for senior cats is around 260 bucks, 2 full visits per year and discounts on shots, tests, bloodwork etc…

Def recommend.

lol hold on, did i read that correctly, you took a Mouse to the vet???, ehh nothing a trap couldent fix. :slight_smile:

Afton Animal Hospital 6543 Main St, Williamsville, NY

Back in the day, my dog used to go there…this was when i was younger. Been taking my cat there ever since i’ve had him. Probably 12 years now. VERY nice place. Had my cat fixed, de-clawed… also took him in for two urinary track infections. Recommended things to do, certain foods to feed him. Cats been healthy ever since.

I recommend them for anybody living in willaimsville/amherst area.

Yea… i was quite pissed about it. We prolly put $100 into that $4 mouse. :furious:

lol damn now thats some pet lovin right there.

I also took my dog to georgetown, they dont tell you on the door to drop your pants before entering, i have never seen such an overpriced vet in my life and its not like they do anything different than any other vet. Fuck i felt like i was in the sony store.

im going to create a life size mouse trap…with the help of rob and adam. I will then place this life size kevin trap in front of your door when i pick up a game. Then we will see who’s laughing.

Thats a damned good plan, I’ll tell my mom about it. One of hers is ~14 now.

gotta be pretty big, and accept my boots since u seem to like them so much.

yeah they are really good there.

Animal Kingdom - Grand Island Blvd, Grand Island

My Mother-In-Law has been taking her Bichon’s there for a few years. They’re very medically delicate little f**ks so that convinced me to take my dogs there. So I’ve been taking my 40 pound shepherd mix and 5 pound Maltese there for 2 years. They’re well taken care of, the office never seems too busy, and the best part is that they have Saturday morning hours.

Oh, and FYI - the “Puppy Package” is around $300 IIRC - will post breakdown tonight when I get home.

Include all shots needed from birth to 6 months, heartworm prev., spay or neuter, and scheduled check ups.

Yea thats one of the reasons I like Green Acres so much… the techs & docs are actually helpful, and are definately animal lovers to the point of over exuberance. lol.

The prices are a bit higher then “average”, but still competitive. IMO its definately made up for in the SUPER clean facility and people.

Their exam rooms are nicer then some Human ER’s I’ve been in.

most good vets have sat hours, thats def a plus for me.

Ideally they would also have the emergency right in the same building also, 1 number to call if there is an after hours emergency.

I’m an Abbott Road fan myself, my cat has been seeing them since I moved here in '03, and my puppy has gone there her whole life (she’s 5 1/2 months). Never had anything bad to say; they’ve always been great.

We did the puppy package with Haylie, and it was worth it. We still haven’t gotten the microchip put in, because we haven’t gotten her fixed yet; they’re going to put it in then.

Pet Community on Abbott rd. is where I have been going for the last 6 years.

We used to use green acres when i lived in that part of town. was happy for the most part then their prices climbed like crazy.

Have been using Afton for the past 7 years they are awesome Dr. Kevin is a great guy

He’s also on the board with the animal hospital on kensington/main

We just brought our new puppy to Banfield yesterday. It’s the veterinary hospital inside PetSmart on NFB. They actually had open appointments for the day I called to get him checked out, plus they got us in right on time, and the vet and the nurse were friendly but still professional. The prices were reasonable, and they have a coupon for a free first physical exam if you’ve never been there before. Everything is brand new and very clean. I definitely recommend them.

I was using Blue Cross Blue Shield Animal Hospital on Main St. in Amherst. They are a bit pricey, but very thorough. Neutering cost upwards of $300. My dog though, he acted like he had never had it done. We picked him up that night and he was as playful as ever. She said he was playing with the other dogs in the back too.

Then, he had a pretty severe incident happen while staying at my g/f’s dad’s place. The dogs chewed up a bunch of shit, and chip had a blockage in his intestines. He was puking up EVERYTHING that went into his mouth. Couldn’t hold down water at all. Puked up a bunch of the crap he ate, but there was some stuck. We took him in, and the vet told us it was bad, and that they needed to act quickly for sure. They did some X-Rays, but couldn’t really tell what/where the blockage was. They then gave him some pills that would be visible under the x-ray. They used 3 different sizes, shows the severity, which ones can and cannot move past. 1 or 2 got through, the other was stuck and they could see where it was stuck. They decided that before doing thousands worth of surgery, they would try to dislodge it. One enema, and chip was fixed. They watched him the rest of the day and he was eating soft food and drinking water, still hurting though. Took him quite some time to fully recover. I really liked how they handled the situation, and did everything in their power to avoid surgery. If you can handle the extra few dollars, it is a very nice vet. That bill was less than 600 dollars though, the xrays will get ya everytime.

my ex use to work there…they were ok, the owner is kind of a douche and loves money

I did a search and this came up.

Just wondering if anybody has any experience with Brighton/Eggert or Sheridan animal hospital. I am looking to a vet.

I use McBride on Young Street, no complaints at all. Very quick for me, no waiting, they don’t sell you a line of crap either. They give me nice little care-packages when I go there too.