Veternarian services.

Looking for someone on here that’s a vet or maybe has some close ties to a vet clinic. GFs dog has rotting teeth and the stank breath. Probably going to need a few teeth pulled and a cleaning. Looking for the hookup so it won’t cost a small fortune. Would also be willing to barter services such as repair, install, powdercoating etc…I have skills in a ton of areas. Please PM me or call me at 316-8454 if you have a close hookup. Thank you.

and a little bit of…

Then maybe he’ll need a

“insert picture of emergency room”

I’m interested as well.
well, more so in finding an inexpensive vet to go to for my new kitten.

I’m in for this one too…

i have always dealt with brighton-eggert animal clinic they are very well priced and knowledgable.

They are very expensive though. every 5 years they renovate. i live a block away from them. I take my dog to McBride small animal hospital. They are cheaper and provide better care. they are on Youngs Street near Gander Mountain and The Tonawanda bowling alley.

Grand island small animal hospital is where my parents take their dogs. 24 hour emergency care is great

Grand island emergency care are $$$$. They misdiagnosed my moms dog that ate a rock and nearly died. They said she was having “seizures” and never did an xray or anything. Later that night my Mom had to bring her back in and have emergency surgery for like $2k. They didn’t offer any discount for their fuck up and in fact had attitude and forgot to give meds which my mom had to drive back for the next morning…no slack cut there either. 8( They also operated on the other dogs knee…despite the dog being massively overweight. How is that shit gonna heal with like 3x the recommended weight on it? Maybe they could instead suggest the dog lose weight and see how bad the knee was after that? HRMMM???

McBride is where I used to go. They were pretty good…but living in Cheektowaga I hated the drive. Also my dog had an issue which turned out to be flea bites. Instead of treating the cause they insisted on going after symptoms, as so many doctors do. Not once was it suggested what the hives were from, only that I should buy their meds and pay out the ass. I finally found the flea issue and bombed…problem solved at the core > treating symptoms.

I now go to Town & Country vet on Genesee as it’s right down the street. They were recently bought or something changed though and I don’t think I like it there anymore. I may be going back to McBride unless I find a better place.

I’ll see what my sister can do, but I don’t know if she can hook you up at all. She works at Orchard Park Veterinary Medical Center and I definitely recommend them.

^^^ They are usually the most expensive! I go to the eden veterinary clinic. The guy there is extremely nice and reasonable.

Georgetown Animal Clinic, Sheridan Drive near Evans…don’t know how much they are, but my family has been taking our dogs there for at least 10 years

I thought so, but they are probably the most knowledgeable animal center in the area.

Probably cheaper to put it down and get a new dog.

Georgetown is a major ripoff though and specialize in selling you the highest cost meds without mentioning there are far less expensive options. Best move I ever made was switching from Georgetown to Amclair (Hopkins near Klien). Much happier with Dr Olson at Amclair and he doesn’t constantly push the big dollar drugs.

x2, they are very expensive. i hear that Northtown? i think its called, on NFB across from noco isnt too bad.

you want to borrow my glock?


Go to the Banfield Vet in Petsmart (there’s one in amherst, and in orchard park.) On T&Th I believe they ONLY charge you for meds and shit, no doctor’s fee. It’s called wellness hours. It’s between 2-4 I believe. It’s really inexpensive, and they’re awesome.

I believe that one is Killewald Small Animal Hospital.

yes killewald is a good place as well… my girlfriends mom has 6 cats and a dog and has never had a issue with them… as far as GI being a bad place? my parents have never had an issue with them