VIDEO - 590 AWHP Evo IX FP Red Dyno tuning session

Here is a video I put together of a friends Evo getting dyno tuned:

[ame=]YouTube - 590 AWHP Evo IX FP Red Dyno tuning session[/ame]

And here is one of the last tuning session:

[ame=“”]YouTube - 500+ AWHP Evo IX FP Red dyno tuning session[/ame]

was that at buschur?

your friend has a sick evo. 500+awhp is definately sick as hell.

4wd doughnuts are the best tasting kind… :slight_smile:

especially on a red. thats like the ultimate sleeper set up.

stock apprearing turbo that moves as much air as a 30r and spools ridiculously fast. those were on back order from forced performance for like a year when they first came out

I had a friend with a green on his 2G talon when it first came out. fucking sick.

Also, why the fuck would someone need to make a “compilation video” of a car sitting stationary, just making noise.

i remember this car from OF. said to be on of the fastest street evo’s.

maybe the fastest in FL.