Video Camera w/ Great stills

We are doing the registry… and from Target, all I want is a decent camera…

I want to be able to do as much video as I have battery and memory to do (not limited to 5 min like my cybershot), and I also want at least 5mp stills.

Again, this has to come from Target.

Looking online isn’t returning any reviews, so I am coming here.

Ideas? Suggestions?

What model Sony Cybershot do you have? Every one I’ve ever used can take unlimited video, but you have to do it on a lower resolution and you have to hold down the shutter button the whole time.

You’re thread is titled “video camera” - are you talking about buying a camcorder or another camera that can do video?

more so a camcorder… but I want to be able to do stills…

I don’t recall the model number, as I have not seen it in about a year after Choda stole it after he broke it.

I was trying to make home movies… and it would die after 5 min… weak.

Thanks for asking the right questions. It is early yet :slight_smile:

I work in photo over at walmart, all the ones we carry do 1.3MP stills, which are crap =)
The camera I have, is a Casio EX-Z60, which can do unlimited video… and you don’t have to hold down a button or anything.
Just uses quite a bit of memory.
20FPS video, on a 1 GB card gives me 30 mins of recording time.
But luckily, we have 1GB memory cards at wallyworld (the one in clarence) for 20 bucks :stuck_out_tongue:
Normally $40-50.
and it’s 6.0MP, so awesome pictures.

But uhm.
Trying to find a camcorder that does awesome stills could be a problem =)

Have you checked out the everio line of camcorders from JVC?
They’re all HD… so those are pretty snazzy.
but cost $500 for a 20GB camcorder :confused:
I think some can do stills, some can’t…

Well you’re not going to get 5mp stills from a Camcorder, unless you want to buy a $15,000 camera. My camcorder does 1920x1080, but is still very expensive.

You need to decide what you’ll be doing more - capturing video, or taking photos. If you’re going to be taking more video, then you won’t get very high-resolutions for stills. If you want to focus more on pictures, then you can get a camera that records video but it won’t be high quality and have a low frame-rate (smoothness.)

And Targets online selections are slim with little info, but let me know what you plan on focusing on and I’ll do some looking.

Thank you Onyx :slight_smile:

K, lets get a decent camcorder from Target, and I will worry about stills later.

if you have the time, let me know what you think about their selection.