Video: D-Sport Drift Meltdown at Stratotech

Yes, I’m aware it happened a long time ago. But I finally decided to go through the film and cut together a short montage of the drifter exploits at Stratotech Park.

Linky Linky (~16 MB so 56K buckle up)

This is my first crack at video editing so be gentle :stuck_out_tongue:
B-Wurm :smiley:

nice job and good music choice! Nothing to do with the video, but I realized that we need a bigger drift track! I should open one!

…They need more cars. It gets pretty repetitive.

good vid, whats the deal with the sound crackle though?

Very nice. :E Loving the Gold Finger.

Man I wish my car was running. :sad

pretty good, that red 240 was getting nice smoke!

That’s why it’s only 4 minutes long out of about 35 minutes of film :lol:

Yeah, you should. So get on it!

B-Wurm :smiley:

nice video dude! 8)

lol look at frenchy go!!!

well in total, I believe there were 8 cars, plus a 300zx didn’t have tires or something but still won an award (about the size of a cup trophy, small but funny considering he didn’t do anything that event). There were honestly about 3 guys there that were drifting, but everyone has to start somewhere right

^ Hell yeah, if I’d had the money I woulda been in there spinning out too!

B-Wurm :smiley: