d-sport vid!


omg the camry is actually a drift machine

nice vid

hahaha camry ftw!!!

nice … I was waiting for one with mark that had sound …

external wastegates that are vented own

yeah his car sounds fucking sick :rolleyes:

Nice vid, BUT such an ugly franken s13/s14 :finga:

Bumpin’ :rolleyes:

B-Wurm :smiley:

looks like the skill level has gone up quite a bit since last year.

next week should be off the hook, for a showoff lap…, seeing as i have the tuning sorted out now ill be able to roast third for yah fellahs…u can see and hear in my first run when the car misses…Damn rebic!!!

Wanna take me for a ride? :stuck_out_tongue:

B-Wurm :smiley:

No, Kenji. He doesnt. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe optimistically he’ll take me instead. :roll:

only if u prosime to take some killer photos for my portfollio…

There should be some wicked video after this weekend’s DRIFT EVENT.
plus now we have in car cam’s! woot woot :rolleyes:

yay kent posted my video lol

and yes the drift event at stratotech was sweet


espicaly with my car mounted cameras


Who won the event? I left before they announced it.

the skyline GTS-t won… kent came in second and the 300 came in third

I will post some pictures later today … I didnt take too many as I had to leave mid day but it doesnt seem like anyone else has posted any so far

Would any of you guys be willing to take a passanger with you at the next Dsport event on thursday. A friend of my GFs went out to stratotech with her son, but she didn’t bring enuff cash with her to both get in and then go for the couple laps each. I was thinking one of you might be willing to take her for a rip around the setup at bud park. I can honestly say that I have never been out there though and I don’t even know if they allow ride alongs.

there will be alot of people who would love to take a ride along I am guessing

I can see there being a explosion of ricer drift wanabees driving into poles after the new FNF comes out… I kinda feel sorry for you guys that have been doing it a while. Thank god thier will never be a FNF about autocross or road racing.