Video released from Schenectady Shooting

he the one that shot at the ground at like 11 seconds? lol… he didnt look very prepared lol

nobody shot at the ground you goof, the sound you hear while the cop closest to the car is pulling out his weapon is the cop in the background firing the first shot. you can see the slide move as the sound happens.

i saw a flash go straight towards the ground, thought that was a gun shot, fuck off ice tea, with your technical responses and shit.

its his fucking cuffs you goof

oohhh, i see now, good detective work tea


from what i’ve heard cops are tought to aim for limbs. like th arm that had a gun it in and whatever, not necessarily shoot to kill. i remember hearding that a lonnng time ago when that guy got shot a million times for pulling out his wallet

What? No.

Police are taught to shoot to kill. Not aim for limbs. Hense why they all carry at least a .40. If an officer draws his weapon and fires it, he (or she) isn’t planning to wound someone.

Dead people cannot testify.

Because this isn’t the movies and when the adrenaline kicks in and you’re afraid of somebody actually shooting you as well, you aren’t all that accurate. It’s hard enough to shoot a pistol accurately to begin with under ideal circumstances over a distance.

And when your target is a human…