Nineteen months after three police officers shot and killed rivera/">Luis Rivera, Mayor Gary McCarthy on Thursday released videos of the deadly encounter for which the cops were ultimately cleared of wrongdoing. Dramatic footage of the Aug. 12, 2011 death on a city street is captured on a police dashboard camera that also provides a soundtrack to the frantic and profanity-laced reaction from the police and onlookers, including Rivera’s sister, after 14 shots were fired at the intersection of State Street and Grove Place. The recordings from cameras in several police cars and also from street surveillance cameras were obtained by the Times Union as the result of an appeal to McCarthy after the newspaper’s Freedom of Information Law request was denied on the grounds that the material was considered part of a personnel matter. In December 2012, Schenectady County District Attorney Robert Carney announced that a county grand jury had exonerated the police of criminal wrongdoing. An internal departmental probe in the days after the shooting concluded police were justified in firing their weapons when Rivera pointed a handgun at them.
Even if he didn’t point it at them, any person carrying a legal firearm and the right permits will never reach anywhere except for the sky and will simply say “look in my wallet, I have the proper permit”
I find the fact that theres a few people walking down the street, one dude with groceries just lookin back…
Something seriously wrong with people if there so desensitized to that kind of shit that they dont try and get teh fuck out of the way… they just keep walking like nothings going on :rofl
every human handles situtions differently. they process info differently too.
some are dumb or call people dumb and others are smart and able to think clear on most situtions.
sometimes its genetic sometimes it choices in life.
if guy really pulled a gun then the shooting is justified. but if he never had a gun and cops planted it there karma will get them one way or another. only the police know for sure. but karma doesnt care who you are or what you wear or what you know. “karma is a bitch”
i love it when a real criminal gets caught. then justice is served.
I was in a convertible that got pulled over when I was 14-15 years old. As the cop was walking up to the car my cell phone started ringing. I reached in my pocket not thinking and then instantly had a gun pointed at me and a cop screaming. Pants were shat. But it taught me a lesson.
I read somewhere that only two shots hit him. I dont know anything about guns but is it normal to only hit 2/14 shots? I know you cant see him but he couldn’t have been that far away