Cop shooting caught on camera

WTF was that cop thinking? You have a long high speed chase, then you just walk up without your gun drawn, spray the guy with pepper spray, and turn your back to him and casually walk away? That’s just stupid.

I thought at first maybe they had slowed down the video, but you can see the timestamp and it’s in real time.

any time an officer dies in the line of duty it is terrible but what was he thinking

Exactly. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad for the guy and especially for his family. But use your head. You were just in a high speed pursuit, you have to assume the guy is dangerous. Never, EVER, turn your back on someone like that. It’s not even like he turned and RAN, like he saw a guy. He just turned and walked away.

Did i get this right tho? A bystander then got the cops gon and killed the shooter?

EDIT: yeah

he seemed to have a little too much confidence in that pepper spray. that really sucks.

dumb move = loss of life

wow, people are so fucked up these days. But as much as it sucks it is the officers fault.


thats sweet that a bystander got the cops gun and proceeded to kill the man

Don’t turn your back on a MKII Supra owner. Thats sucks tho, I hope I dont get pepper sprayed everywhere I go now.

i cant see the damn vid… anybody else have it linked somewhere else?